Page 19 of My Karmic Destiny

I suspect she’ll need to let go and release her stress in the coming months and years. I could give her that release. As mysubmissive, she could let go, and I would make her float in bliss without worry.

Kurtis clears his throat, gaining our attention. Then he glances around to confirm our group is alone in the kitchen. “The meditation was brutal today. Karma brought up stuff I didn’t even remember before.” He looks at me and Dante, hoping for us to agree.

We had gone our separate ways after the meditation, none of us wanting to talk about it. I still don’t want to talk about it. Ever. Dante doesn’t appear too eager, either.

“If you ever need to talk…” Tessa offers him. She looks at me, then Dante, and gives a soft smile that shows she’s including us. “I’m not an ideal counselor, but I’ve been through shit too and can empathize. Just be a set of ears and shoulders.”

“You’re a hell of a lot more than that.” Kurtis grins and adds his thanks. “I might take you up on that offer sometime.”

“I’m sort of jealous you get to do this together and I’m left out. I’m feeling a bit of FOMO,” she confesses.

“I’d rather do what you’re doing,” I mutter, and take another bite of my potatoes.

“Death might notice if we try to swap places. You’re much taller than me,” Tessa jokes.

“And I don’t want to piss him off trying anyway,” I add.

“Me either.”

“Does he scare you?” Kurtis asks. “He scared the fuck out of me.”

I remember we had a frightening introduction to Tessa’s current boss, while we were dying after Instant’s attack.

“Death’s actually nice. And from what I can tell, he has integrity. My instincts say he is one of the few gods that has our collective human backs.”

While we finish up our plates, the rest of the residents wander into the kitchen.

Dante is guiding Tessa away when OG Karma enters and calls to him. “Dante, I was wondering if we could have a one-on-one session before you settle in for the night.”

I see his jaw flutter with nerves, but he doesn’t deny our new goddess. Reluctantly, he lets go of Tessa’s hand and follows Karma down the hall.

I didn’t realize we were getting private sessions, but it makes sense.

And this is my chance to talk to Tessa alone.

Kurtis must see the opportunity too as he hurries to go after her.

We both come up behind our quarry, and Tessa rounds on us before we get within an arm’s length.

She crosses her arms and hisses in a whisper, “What’s going on?”

“Huh?” Kurtis blurts out.

“With all three of you. You’re acting strange. Should I be worried?” Tessa gazes in the direction that Karma took Dante.

I settle her worries. “He should be fine. Can we talk for a bit?” I gesture to the game room, which is far enough away that no one else in the house can sneak up and eavesdrop.

Tessa must see our desperation and gives us a nod, heading toward the room and sitting down on the long leather couch. Kurtis and I don’t take our usual seats, but perch on either side of her.

She places a hand on our knees and glances back and forth between us. “Are you sure you guys are okay?” Her kindness almost undoes me. I want to tell her exactly hownotokay I am.

Kurtis and I each clasp a hand to keep her near us.

“Not completely, no.” I admit. Her eyes search mine. And I fall into the warmth of her dark brown eyes. “I understand you’re with Dante right now. But I was hoping?—”

“Wewere hoping,” Kurtis corrects.

“Wehoped you might be open to also dating us too.”