“It’s safer if there’s some distance between us. Find the guys. They need you.”
Before I can protest more, he runs back to where we just came from.
Fuck. I’m alone. I shake it off and remember I’m capable of fending off an attack now. Just maybe not from a dragon at the moment.
I’m shuffling down the halls as fast as I can as my mobility begins to return and, out of one of the rooms, something launches at me.
A fierce grip takes my arm, nails digging in. An eerie familiarity hits me. As I look at the face of my attacker, I realize why.
“Get off me!” I yank my arm free.
But my horrid mother grabs me again, with both hands this time. “You’re getting me out of here, and you’re going to prove your worth, for fucking once. I know you have power now. Your dick of a sperm donor told me. You held out on me this whole time, you dumb little shit.”
“I did not!” I jerk away again. I keep walking to escape her and this wretched place. “And fuck the fuck off!”
“After everything I did for you? This is how you treat me?”
I shake my head. Wow. Does she really believe that she did anything but abuse me? Or is it all part of her gaslighting and abusive manipulations to make me prove myself? After I was eight years old, she didn’t even make sure I didn’t starve. Thank Goddess Arden fed me during many of those scary days. Then Myra’s family often helped me out after he left.
My mother did nothing but burn me and make me feel small and worthless.
But through the love and kindness of my mates, I don’t feel like garbage anymore.
“Youoweme,” she snarls.
“The only thing I owe you is payback for all your torture and neglect. Stay the fuck away from me if you know what’s good for you.”
I turn my back on her, continue on my path to escape the asylum, and gather my magic in case I need to defend myself.
When I hear her scurrying after me, I say over my shoulder, “I might not want to deal with killing you at the moment, but if one of my mates sees you? You’ll be ripped to shreds.”
“Mates?” she says with surprise. “So, more than one? What about that dragon?” She grabs me again, not fully understanding the imminent peril we are all in.
I spin on my heel, coming face to face with her. I shove her against the wall and pin her with my shadows. Her eyes bulge with my ability, staring at the tendrils in shock.
“I don’t think you understand what’s going on here. You and I are done. Go live your pathetic life. But if you even breathe in my direction… if you even think about my mates… if you ever try to reach out to me again… I will end you. You no longer have any power over me.”
I sense Branden’s energy moving toward us, and I say, “My assassin mate is on his way. He won’t even pause before ripping your head off. So, fuck off, forever.”
I storm away, pinning my mother to the wall by her throat with my shadows until I’m several yards away. When I turn a corner, I pull my energy back and race toward Branden, who is now in front of me. We collide and hug. I press my face into his chest, not caring that it’s covered with the blood of our enemies.
“Rourke’s fighting to hold off his father for us to escape,” I tell him.
“Shit,” Branden hisses. “Let’s get you to the other guys.”
In his eyes, I see the determination to help Rourke after he knows I’m safe.
Branden takes my hand, and we run to the door. My adaptive magical ability helps me keep up with his fast pace.
The bright daylight hits my eyes. I squint as I’m overwhelmed by the insane, chaotic scene outside the asylum. The intimidating and looming gates have been flung open. Faeries and supes are all racing away, disappearing into the surrounding woods. I see that even some of the guards are getting the hell out.
Another roar echoes down the halls to the outside.
My mother races by without a backward glance at me. I realize that I’m not even fazed by her presence anymore. I’ve moved on.
Branden narrows his eyes and snaps his gaze at me. He suspects who that is.
Arden calls out.