“I’m not letting you out of my sight.” Branden zips over and circles his arms around my middle.
“Not even to pee?” I blush. I know he’s seen every nook and cranny of me, but it feels taboo.
“You.Died,” he reminds me, like I’ve somehow acquired amnesia as well. Pfft.
“Just a little bit.” I shrug.
“Oh, my Goddess,” Rourke chuckles and sighs. “Shayla, you’re lucky you are walking at all.”
I try to shuffle forward and out of my vamp’s hold. But Branden lifts me up, and my feet only skim the floor, pedaling through the air. “Guys, relax. And I really do have to pee.”
“I have an idea,” Branden says as he carries me into the natural shower stall.
“No!” I shout. “It’s too damned cold.” I scramble to get away with real urgency now.
“You need a bit of cleanup anyway.” Branden holds me in place and pulls the cord to douse us with freezing winter stream water.
I flinch. Yet the water is warm, not hot, but not freezing. “Pee, now,” Branden orders.
Instead of following his order, I focus on the water temperature since I’ve not turned me into a humanoid icicle. “How did—?”
“I heated it up for you.” Rourke leans against the wall and crosses his muscular arms over his broad chest. His cobalt blue eyes pierce my heart with his focus as he studies my face intently for a reaction. His chiseled jaw flexes as if he’s holding himself back from rushing forward and kissing me. Damn his hotness. He has low-slung cotton pajama bottoms on, and I kind of miss the view of his nakedness.
Maybe the dragon is starting to grow on me.
And now I feel awkward when my need to pee hits me again. “Don’t look at me when I do this.” I do a little potty dance like a child, now chilling up a bit due to my wet skin.
The guys chuckle at my shyness but thankfully turn away as I squat over the grate to pee down the drain directly.
I see a bucket filled with water in the corner of the shower that I hadn’t noticed before. But I was sort of orgasmed out of my damned mind the last time.
When I’m done, I glance up to see Branden’s obsidian eyes watching me. The water from the dousing trickles over his sharp cheekbones and smooth skin. His raven black hair is slicked back. And I want to touch his silken locks. My eyes drop down over his chest and to his rising cock, and I find I want to touch him everywhere.
Branden skims his fingers over my cheek, and his thumb glides over my lips. “Want to show her what we can do?”
The dragon shifter becomes serious, stepping closer to our open shower stall. “Shayla… it would involve my fire gift. So I’ll understand if you’d rather I not use it.”
I wait for the expected reaction to rise up inside me—fear. But it doesn’t come. “Uh, will the flame touch me?” I ask, being cautious anyway.
Rourke steps closer yet again. “No.”
With his nearness, I feel the heat of his shifter body caressing my skin. Shifters run hot anyway, but dragon shifters, apparently doubly so.
“I told you, I will never,everburn you.” He swears, as if his life depends on convincing me, “I will never use my fire to hurt you likeshedid.”
I swallow down the memories of my childhood. My eyes sting, not only from the memories, but from his promise.
“Then show me what you can do together,” I whisper, reaching out to both, laying my hands on their bare chests.
Rourke’s eyes flutter shut, as if he treasures the small gift of my touch.
I feel his swirling bliss in my own heart—our fledgling bond linking our emotions.
When I pull back, he shucks his pajama bottoms. He nods to Branden.
Turning my attention away from Rourke’s magically knotted…wand, I watch as Branden closes his eyes and centers himself. He holds his hand toward the large bucket, which is almost the size of a small tub. I might be able to jam myself in there, but not any of my guys.
Energy builds in the surrounding air, and about a gallon of water in a large sphere rises out of the container. Water mages are relatively rare. And dangerous. If they are strong enough, they’re able to control the flow of your blood.