That worries me if she sends out a blast of power. She could kill us all.
But if it means her life, and that she’ll be safe from these bastards? I’ll sacrifice mine.
However, I doubt she’ll be able to live with the guilt if she accidentally hurts one of us.
Branden races over to challenge his father. At least that fight will be equally matched. I rush to block my father from attacking anyone but me.
Landis’ shadows shoot out and pummel into his father, one appendage wrapping around his father’s neck.
Shade gasps and breaks his focus on attacking Shayla.
Her breath comes in ragged pants.
Arden works to unstrap her from the table.
“You really think you mere children can stop us?” my father asks. His hand lights up with a flame, as he’s a fire-mage like me.
I prepare to redirect any shot he plans to lob at us.
“We’re not kids anymore,” I say.
“Mannyx’s going to betray you all!” Shayla screeches. “If he steals my power, he’ll take over everything and let you all die!”
My whole body tenses up with her words.
“What is your crazy whore going on about?” my father scoffs.
“You should probably listen to her. She’s smarter than you are.”
“What?” Mr. Silva yells. He and Branden are locked in a wrestling hold, neither winning or losing. “Explain yourself, bitch.”
Shayla cries out in pain as Shade forces his shadow into her head again while he continues to fight off Landis.
Arden frantically unbuckles her. Then he decides to go old school and punches Shade right in the face.
A shadowtendril slams into the druid, throwing him back and to the ground.
My father shoots a fireball at Landis, then one at Hollis.
I call to the fire and redirect the flames to go wide, and neither hits their intended targets.
Turning, I take a page from Arden’s book and swing my fist into my father. I slam full force into his solar plexus, knocking the wind from him. As he doubles over, I knee him in the face. While his head is thrown back, I throw a punch combo into his head.
He staggers and collapses into the wall behind him.
I check on my coven. Arden is back up, helping Shayla get free of the restraints. Landis has wrapped his arm around his father’s neck and has him in a chokehold. This move allows his shadows to fight with Shade’s shadows, hopefully incapacitating his vile sire.
Shayla screams out.
My rage boils with the knowledge my mate suffers. Primal instinct takes over. Claws extend from my fingers, and I turn my wrath toward my father.
He startles as I storm toward him.
My eyes are aglow with my righteous anger. I see my light’s reflection in my father’s cold glare.
Everything slows down. My brain catalogs all that happens in great detail.
His back hits the wall as he withdraws. But that must jar some instinct in him to respond. He springs to his feet. I’ll give him credit that his two hundred years haven’t slowed his reflexes.