Page 72 of Cursed

But who got away, and who has been captured? I can’t tell. All the mate cords are filled with distraught.

I have to survive this, not just for myself, but for them.

Without even trying, I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to communicate with Landis through our mental link because I can barely feel our bond.

When I open my eyes, I know I won’t find my beautiful guys. I’ve royally screwed this up.

I just hope they at least got Myra away. Maybe if she tells the world what’s happening, then this will all be worth it.

My body is strapped down to a hard surface. The back of my head aches from the pressure. There’s a bright light shining on my face, and the rest of the room is dark.

Shadows. I feel sentient shadows all around me, and I know an incubus-mage is here. Besides that indicator, there is the obvious—I can’t move other than my eyes and mouth.

“Council Member Shade,” I call out to the darkness. “We meet again.”

Someone else in the room, other than the incubus, moves closer to me. But he still remains hidden from my sight.

“How much does this bitch know?” The male hisses. I recognize it immediately from Branden’s night terrors—his father. When did Silva get wrapped up in all of this? I suspect he’s been part of it from the beginning.

“Don’t worry, the girl won’t be around much longer to tell anyone anything. He’ll be here soon.”

“And what’s so special about her?” Silva asks. The distaste in his voice is unmistakable. He finally moves into the light, and I see his curled lip as he inspects me, specifically my neck. He snarls, “I can’t believe that dumb ass Branden claimed her.”

“Branden never liked you. Maybe he did it out of spite?” Landis’ father says with a lazy voice. He sounds similar to Landis, except there’s zero warmth in this male’s voice. His father is all ice and jagged edges. Whereas Landis sounds like candlelit nights and silk sheets.

“And maybe some shit isn’t about you assholes,” I say. “Fucking narcissists.”

“Watch your tongue,” Mr. Silva threatens.

“Or what?I’ll die?I’ll be drained of my magic and life by you and my father? I think that I’m pretty much screwed, no matter what.”

“What the fuck?” Silva grabs me by the throat and chokes me. “How the hell does she know that?”

“Remove your hand,” Shade orders. “Mannyx won’t appreciate you manhandling his property.”

I gasp in a breath when he releases me. I’m sure I’ll have bruises.

A door flies open, and a chill races over my body. I don’t know how I know, but I do. It’s my biological father. He doesn’t have the intense magic radiating off him like the other two, but he projects power nonetheless.

“Out!” he orders, and I see them leave, and the door clicks shut behind them.

Mannyx leans over my face, and dark brown eyes inspect me. My gaze immediately falls upon the crescent moon mark on his neck. He smirks when my eyes widen.

“So, it appears you might be exactly what I need,” he drawls.

“Really?” I sass. “No, hello?” I roll my eyes. “You just fuck my mother and wait twenty-some years to kill me?”

“Would you rather I make small talk?” He cocks a brow.

Instead of answering, I take a moment to look at him, staring into his eyes to see if I can find the piece of me made from him. It doesn’t appear as if I’ve taken his physical appearance. I don’t have any of his features, except my nose is more like his than my mother’s. He’s handsome enough, but sort of plain—not particularly beautiful for a supe.

But I can’t find myself in this person.

“Is this your actual form?” I ask, my tone heavy with disgust.

His eyes flare with surprise. He didn’t know I found out about his true nature. “This conversation isn’t about me. Tell me, what does your power feel like?”

“Why don’t you tell me what it is?” I growl.