Page 2 of Cursed

I give him a nod. I’m starting to feel a bit lightheaded from not getting enough air.

Rourke pulls on Branden’s arm, straining his supernatural strength, but Branden doesn’t budge but an inch. I take in some air, but I can’t move more than that.

“Dammit.” Rourke scoots closer to get better leverage.

It occurs to me that I might be able to do something else—something to actually help Branden. “Wait,” I pant. “I’ll try shadowwalking.”

Rourke blinks at me, confused. Then shakes his head. “You can’t do that.Can you?Is it safe? No. I don’t think it’s a good idea. You could get stuck,” he says in rapid fire. “Shayla, don’t do it. We just need to get you away from him. He could bite you—really hurt you.”

I would shrug, but I can’t move. “I’m trying it.”

Closing my eyes, I focus on the feeling I have when I’m with Landis in the shadowscape. Usually, I’m asleep for all of this. Yet, if Landis can shadowwalk when he’s awake, and since I have some of his abilities for some crazy reason, then maybe I can do it too.

But I’ve never used my shadowform with anyone else. I swallow down my nerves about dying from a potentially deadly vampire squeeze.

Or getting stuck in Branden’s nightmare.

“Shayla, don’t,” Rourke pleads, his voice cracking with worry.

His newfound concern for me is disarming.

“I can do this,” I gasp, mostly to convince myself.

Branden clenches me tighter and growls.

Ireallyam in danger. I can barely breathe now. I feel the shadows of the room surround me and crawl up my body, filling my vision. I hope that’s not just me blacking out from lack of oxygen.

Allowing the shadow to take me over completely, I see a red thread connecting me to Branden. My shadowform follows it until I’m in a huge empty space, still dark. But someone’s at the far end. Three someones.

I move closer, watching for signs of how bad this whole idea is, but so far, I don’t seem to be in danger.

Then I hear a voice slice through me. “You will do what I command, or you will pay the consequences,” a large male says as he towers over two children huddled on the ground.

This scene reminds me too much of my own horrific childhood, but I force myself to stay and see what is going on.

I recognize a younger version of Branden holding a girl. Both look to be in their early teen years.

“Don’t hurt her!” Branden shouts, holding the pretty blonde to his chest protectively.

Her blonde hair and fair complexion contrast with his dark hair and eyes and olive skin tone.

I’m surprised that no jealous tide rises within me, especially now that he’s my mate. Then I realize it’s probably his sister—both were adopted by this monstrous male abusing them. Likely, this is the sister he actually cares about—the one who is missing.

“You are the one who is hurting her,” the male says with a sneer. He holds his hands out and the two kids twist with pain, trying to hold back their cries from the torment their adoptive father inflicts upon them. “This could all be over if you just obey me.”

The scene shifts, and now we are in a dungeon. The trio is back, a few years older.

“Compel her,” their father demands.

“I won’t make her do that!” Branden stands in front of his sister, blocking their father’s view of her. He must be just coming into his vampiric power.

“Please, Branden,” she says. “Don’t make me…”

I see a knife in her shaking hands.

What the hell is going on?

“Fine. I’ll do it myself,” his father threatens. Then he compels her, “Gut your brother.”