I feel the others calling her too. In their hearts, Arran and Maxum are shouting, screaming, and begging her to return.

“Please come back to us,”I say in my mind, projecting out into the realms.“We won’t be okay without you.”

A presence drifts into my perception. There’s a weight to it.

How heavy is a soul? And are some heavier than others?

Would Jade be light as a feather like the feeling of joy she spreads? Or would she have more substance and fill up the space the way her smile lights up the room?

I imagine I hear an intake of breath, and Jade mumble, “Dying sucks.”

My eyes fly open. Is it real?

Jade is stirring and blinking her eyes as if she can’t see properly.

Arran snatches her up, pulling her off the makeshift exam table and into his arms. He clutches her to his chest.

By removing Jade’s contact, I’m able to return to my normal state, but I remain stuck still with worry. Watching the scene unfold, I sense danger lingers.

Racing around the table, Maxum presses against her backside, sandwiching her between their enormous bodies.

She doesn’t fight it or react, her arms hanging loosely at her sides. That’s strange.

“Jade, can you move your arms?” I ask, since I think the others are only focused on the fact that she isn’t dead.

With a grunt of effort, she twitches her fingers.

Thank the Goddess.

“What about your feet?” I prompt.

Another exertion, but she’s able to shift her legs. I had been worried she had injured her spine. Humans are fragile like that.

“Flint’s right. I should look her over before you manhandle her anymore.” Amira points to the table for them to return Jade to.

“Who are you?” Jade asks, eyes wide. “Whatare you?”

“Amira. Another witch,” she answers succinctly.

Jade looks at Maxum and Arran. “I thought witches were bad?”

“Not all witches. Amira turned her back on the witches harming supes years ago.” Maxum strokes Jade’s damp hair back and settles her back onto the table.

Thankfully, Maxum had washed most of the blood out of it earlier when Amira worked on healing.

Her blood shouldn’t have bothered me as much as it did. I see blood all the time in battle, but I couldn’t handle the sight ofJade’sblood. It was too much like… before.

Raithe adds, “And she mated with me. I’m a supe.”

Jade studies him for a second. “You feel a bit like Calder, but not as smoldery. Are you something like a phoenix?”

“Smoldery?” Raithe chuckles. “Yes, Iama phoenix. It’s good to have you with us. Your three males were about to lose their minds.”

“Mymales?” Jade’s eyes widen. She glances at Arran, Maxum, and then at me. “Uh, I… it’s not… we aren’t…”

“No shame, Jade. Amira has more than one mate,” Raithe adds.

Amira swats Raithe away. “She doesn’t need your matchmaking just after she returns from death. Can you check on your brethren while I finish up?”