“I’m sorry.”

“Are you kidding me? I love it! You are precious to me. Understand that, please. If I’m mesmerized or excited by your uniqueness, take it as the praise and for the compliment it is meant to be.”

“You are such a blessing, Jade.” He squeezes me tightly to his chest.

“Flint, you are too.” I say, “You are a completely unexpected treasure, and I’m so happy that we are here together right now. Understand, my delicious, spicy muffin?”

He grins at the reminder of his unusual baking choice.

I love being with him like this, just being. But I’m also itching to kiss him. My hands want to explore his flesh and see if it brings him joy.

“What does my skin feel like to you?” I ask.

“Wonderfully soft and warm. Why do you ask?”

“People go through life usually assuming everyone feels like they do. Or sees the same way they do. But that isn’t true. Some people can’t feel certain emotions or they feel them more intensely. Or someone might not see colors the same, or at all. And with supernatural and witches being real, that likely expands the parameters of what’s possible. One thing that I try to do as an author or a reader is to get into the headspace of another person—to know how someone might be made differently than me. And my goal is to love and embrace that uniqueness. You truly are made differently from me, and I want to know more.”

“So you can learn to love… my uniqueness?” When I nod, his huge hand that was cupping my ass moves up and under my shirt, skimming my lower back.

His touch is so light that it tickles.

“You’re so gentle with me,” I say.

“My strength and size are used to crush our enemies. I’ve had to learn to be careful with my actions so I don’t break things.”

“I trust you. And if you hurt me… too much, then I will let you know.”

“Too much?” Confusion fills his face. “You need to tell me if I hurt you at all.”

“Uh, yeah. About that.” I bite my lip, and his eyes dart to my mouth. “Sometimes when people are enjoying each other intimately, a bit of pain can feel good.”

He sits up, and I’m fully straddling him now. His arm is around my waist and the other is still tangled in my hair and massaging the nap of my neck. “You’d want that with me?”

“When and if you were ever wanting that with me.”

“But…” He glances down at where I’m riding on his bulge. “What if you can’t be with me like that?”

I swallow hard. I have no idea what he’s working with. I know it feels big, but I shouldn’t be making promises I can’t keep. He very well could be too big for me to take without perforating my vagina or rearranging my organs.

“There are many ways for people to bring each other pleasure. If there are challenges, we can find a solution.”

“I don’t know how I am so lucky to have met someone like you,” he says with reverence.

I’d like to say he was lucky if he had to wait four hundred years for me. But I feel just as lucky to be in his arms.

His eyes drop to my lips and in my mind I hear a faraway voice say,“I want to kiss you.”

“I hear something… in my head,” I say, reaching for the owner of the voice.

“Osen?” he asks.

My first instinct was to think it’s Osen, but it sounds like Flint’s voice.

“I don’t think so,” I answer without confidence.

“What did the voice say?”

“I want to kiss you,” I repeat the words.