“Holy shit,” Jade says, her mouth hanging open. “You were really made from stone? You are like… walking, talking magic.” Her pretty hazel-green eyes twinkle again. I want to understand what that means, but I don’t think she knows she is doing it or what it could mean.
I grin at her awe. I really expected her to be turned off by my origins, but she surprises me at every turn.
“My origins aren’t that extraordinary. Technically, we all come from the earth.” I downplay my uniqueness. I don’t want to be so different that she might not see a future with me.
“No. Don’t dismiss how cool you are.” Jade leans back and smiles widely. “I mean, yeah, humans being born out of a woman’s body is the miracle of life. Blah, blah, blah. Or being hatched from an egg is amazing too. All great stuff. But to be brought into consciousness from being carved out of stone and given a form? Whoa. My mind is blown.”
I tuck my head down and hide my huge smile. She sees me as special, not odd. But what did I expect from such a loving woman? Why did I fear she would shun me?
My fears have controlled how I live. No more.
“Hey,” Jade calls me softly. When I look up and make eye contact, she says, “Please, don’t hide your smiles from me. They make my heart glow.”
“They do?” I ask, surprised she could see such a thing.
“It’s a metaphor, but it makes my heart feel warm and joyful to see you happy.”
I nod, then glance over at Calder, but he isn’t looking at me. No. His sights are locked on Jade. His face is soft, and he appears to be longing for what this wonderful woman has given me… acceptance. I suppose I should show her my true form soon. I have to know how to proceed with her. Because I am falling hard and fast, and I don’t want to hope for something that will never be.
After a long silence while we finish our plates of food, Jade finally breaks the quiet. “A thought occured to me… before the guys left, I was able to sense Arran and Maxum outside my office door. Do you think I could sense others?”
Both Calder and I ask at the same time, “You didn’t feel me?”
Jade nervously takes a sip of water before she answers. “I hope I didn’t just make a supernaturally sized faux pas.” Her gaze snaps to Calder, since he would be the most likely to throw a fit for her spying on us.
“No,” Calder says. “Your magic is coming in and you have no control. Although, I’m surprised by your natural ability to wield it. Typically, you would have learned how to manage your magic as it developed over time and fully bloomed at adulthood. Spying on people is definitely frowned upon. However, getting a vague impression of where someone is located is done often and as long as it isn’t more invasive, then it’s acceptable.”
Jade lets out a breath in relief. “Flint, I had a vague impression of you in your room. But Calder, I didn’t pick up your energy.”
Calder seems oddly tense that Jade didn’t sense him. He is so confusing. Maybe he wants the witch after all. I offer an explanation. “If I were to guess, it’s because you have deeper connections with Maxum and Arran. You and I had just had an emotional conversation, so we had bonded on some level. But until your training with Calder, you both hadn’t talked or been around each other much.”
“True.” Jade gazes out the window toward the lake. “I was around Floofer for a couple of years. Do you think I could pick up on Floofer’s location? Should I even try?”
“He might not sense you reaching for him.” Calder scratches his chin and frowns. “I don’t want you risking yourself reaching out. However, you seem to have a natural talent for that and maybe if you can track him down, we can capture him.”
My protectiveness rises within me. “I don’t relish the idea of calling on the unknown with only the two of us to protect Jade.”
“He’s out there, so he could attack any second. I’d rather be proactive.” Calder huffs. “We don’t even know if she can do it.”
“I think it’s worth the risk,” Jade says. “Calder’s right. He could be lurking right now, ready to strike when we go to sleep.”
Goddess, give me strength.
“Then I won’t sleep.” I stand abruptly and snatch up our empty plates.
Jade flinches ever so slightly, but I notice. What have I done? I’m proving that I’m the monster I fear I am.
I drop to my knees and the plates fall to the floor. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Her soft hand cups my chin, and I completely turn to solid stone. When I freeze, regressing in my progress, tears roll down her cheeks.
“Oh, sweetheart.” She keeps her hand on my skin, and her warmth seeps into me. I am greedy about absorbing anything and everything she will bless me with. I would lick up her tears for an eternity until she was finally happy again.
“I wasn’t scared of you,” she explains. “I have had a lot of unpleasant experiences, and I suppose my body just reacts to certain stimuli. We aren’t much different that way. My triggers are someone’s frustration combined with movements toward me. It’s okay. We’re okay.” She drops her hand, likely hoping I will return to my ‘fluid’ state.
It works, and when I can move again, I miss her touch desperately. In a fit of emotion, I stand, pull her to my chest, and hug her.
Since I’m so tall, her feet are dangling.