I reach out, my hand turning to stone as I wrap it around the sharp blade and tighten my grip.

Staring into her startled green eyes the entire time, I slowly pull the knife from her grasp, leaving her unharmed.

After an alarming moment when she moves closer, then she staggers backward. “Holy shirtballs, that was flippin’ hot!” Then she sucks in a breath and bites her lips, like they are what made her say such a forward compliment.

I’m pleased by her praise. I never thought I’d feel that way. What is this witch doing to me?

Jade appears anxious, waiting for my response to her suggestive comment.

“You are enjoying the discovery of the supernatural world, aren’t you?” I ask and turn to hide my smirk.

I’ve observed that she is easily amused by what she thought of as fantasy just days ago.

Jade exhales, realizing I’m not upset. “I suppose. Do you think I’m foolish or simpleminded because I’m excited?” she asks and turns on the faucet to wash the fruit.

I spin to capture her attention. “Never. I find it… entertaining. I learned most of what I know so long ago that now it feels like the world was never new.”

“What’s it like to live as long as you have?” she asks.

“Hmm.” I contemplate my answer. No one has asked me this before. Honestly, no one has really cared to ask me deep questions about my thoughts about life.

Am I not a deep person? Or do they assume that my mind is filled with rocks? I suppose I don’t dissuade them from that assumption.

After a moment, I explain, “Longevity isn’t as exciting as it seems from someone as young as you are.”

She snickers at that. “I’m not that young.”

“I guess not in human terms.” I continue, “At a certain point, you learn to navigate the world and how to live day to day as an independent person from your family. The assumptions I had about the world have shifted over time. Well, more accurately, how I exist in relation to the world has changed. Beyond that, I just have to keep up with the human world. After my first few decades, my personality did not change much. Is it pathetic that I have had little growth in all that time?”

“I’m sure you have had growth in all your years. But maybe it was so subtle that you didn’t notice it happening.” She glances up from the sink and shrugs. “There are two types of growth: gradual and catastrophic.”

“I’ve had catastrophic events,” I say with sadness and regret.

“Does it have to do with the touch thing?” she asks.


Her eyes lock with mine, and I want to confess everything. I crave to replace the horrific image of my worst experience with the pleasure of seeing Jade’s face.

Craving. Such an interesting and new sensation.

I crave more of Jade.

What would it be like if I could allow myself to touch her?

Could I really change after all this time? I feel unchangeable, like an actual stone right now. But I remind myself that stone can be reshaped… usually by humans.

What if…?

A shout from upstairs grabs our attention, and we race toward the stairs. I move faster, even with my heft and size. Although Jade is faster than I thought she’d be for a human witch.

The shout is Calder’s. I hear continued cursing and things being tossed about in his room.

What is happening? Is he being attacked? I don’t like Jade running into a possibly dangerous situation with me, but I don’t know how to stop her other than yelling at her to stay put. I can’t bring myself to be a bossy alpha like the other males can be.

I hear the door downstairs to Maxum’s room being thrown open. Good, we’ll have backup. Maxum can hold Jade back from whatever is happening with Calder.

I fling his door open, even though it’s sealed with magic, and I’m tossed backward by his magical ward. Fortunately, I don’t collide with Jade, who is right behind me.