“Come for me, Jade,” Maxum commands, and my body that aches for release complies.
I scream out to the surrounding heavens and twist with pleasure as my pussy clamps onto his hand.
“Such a good little witch,” he coos, as I pant, attempting to regain my sanity. Then he licks my juices off his fingers and hums with delight.
“Do you know you’re too sexy for your own good?” I ask.
“No. But I might be too sexy for your own good.” He chuckles, kisses me, then scans the horizon.
I follow his eyeline. With a sweeping gaze, I take in all the area around the lake and realize we are entirely isolated. Which is disconcerting, since that makes me entirely dependent on them to get me out of here. I don’t even see a car around his house. Maxum’s portals or his wings are my only way to leave.
“Is there a town nearby?” I ask with a tinge of anxiety in my voice. “Anything?”
“Yes.” Maxum points to the south. “Ten miles down that road. If, for some reason, you can’t rely on one of us to get you out of here, head that way. Mostly humans live there.”
I sigh with relief that I have a way to save myself if need be. But it’s also unnerving to have someone who can literally read my thoughts and emotions.
We hover, his massive wings beating and keeping us high above the world. Maxum senses my mood shift yet again. “Hey, I won’t ever push into your mind and hurt you.”
“I don’t believe you would, unless you felt it was truly necessary to save someone you care about.”
“I care about you,” he assures me. “Is there something else bothering you?”
“Are we really safe here? What if the glowing markings are another level of magic that could be used to hunt me down? What if you all get hurt? And we are stuck out here with no one to help you?”
“Take a breath. It sounds like you are trying to work out every possible plot twist for one of your novels.”
“Well, I’m not crazy. It could happen.”
He shifts his wings slightly, and we glide back toward the house. “Yes, you’re right. So many things can go wrong. Or they could go right. But let me worry about the possibilities… for now. You need to recover from all that’s happened—all that you’ve learned about the world. Gather your magic. Write. This is the moment for you to take a break and find some clarity.”
His words make sense, but I’m not used to taking a break. “I don’t know if I know how to relax. I feel like I’m being lazy if I’m not constantly striving and working toward something.”
“That is a problem. Humans are conditioned to be in constant survival mode. Living in a continuous loop of anxiety and stress. It doesn’t always need to be do or die. Sometimes, you can take a break from the never-ending spinning wheel.”
“Is that something you’ve learned over your many years?”
“It’s something that I’veforgottensince my early days. I used to know when to remove myself from stressful situations, now I charge into the middle of them. But after meeting you, I’ve realized I should slow down and enjoy your company.”
Warm fuzzies fill my chest. I don’t know how I got so lucky.
As a person unaccustomed to good luck, it makes me nervous.
Will all this be taken away from me?
Maxum and Arran insist I get some rest once I’m back at the house. I insist on writing a bit. I grin wickedly when I think of a prank to pull on Arran. It only takes me a few minutes to set it up.
Finally, when I’m done, I head to our bedroom. Maxum is brushing his teeth when I come in. But Arran is nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s Arran?” I ask. “I thought he’d be waiting eagerly for his snuggle time.”
“Up to no good. That’s all I can tell you.” Maxum shrugs.