When I sputter instead of answering, he checks in with me. “Are you afraid of heights?”

“Not particularly. But I just didn’t think you’d offer.”

“I told you…allyour fantasies.”

“Okay, but no sex—this time. I’ll need to see how scary it is first.”

“Oh.” Maxum chuckles darkly, leans down, and nibbles on my ear. “What makes you think I would be so damned reckless as to fuck your sweet body amongst the clouds?” He growls for good measure.

My core tingles, and my knees threaten to give out. I grip his brawny forearms and tremble. “Unholy hell, you’re gonna make me pass out.”

Picking me up like a doll, Maxum rushes through the doors and launches into the air. I can’t help it. I scream with excitement and cling to him like a baby ape.

I leave my stomach behind on the veranda, and it takes a moment for me to acclimate to the bobbing up and down from his wing beats. I just try to imagine the pumping motion is sex. That calms me a bit.

The cool evening air whips my hair around my face, and I can barely see. If he had given me any warning, I would have grabbed a hair tie.

“Whoops,” he says as he notices my predicament. “I got you.” He chants low and in a strange, likely demon, language.

My hair swishes back and twists in a ponytail. “Can you teach me how to do that?” I ask in awe.

He grins and gives me a quick kiss. “Depends if you have an affinity for air.”

“I guess we need to figure out what the hell I am soon.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed you were a hell species, but maybe you are since you light a demon’s heart on fire,” he jokes. “And yes, we will investigate your magic soon. I feel it building inside you.”

“You can feel my magic?”

“Yes. And you will become familiar with sensing magic—your own and others.”

As he says this, the glorious sunset catches my attention once again. This is a kind of magic—the beauty of nature and the beauty of experiencing life with Maxum.

He was right that there isn’t any landmarks to indicate where we are in the world. There’s only a trees as far as I can see and rolling, nondescript hills in the distance. This lake could be anywhere, and no one could pluck the location from my mind.

I dare to release one of my death grips on his shirt and stroke his cheek. He makes a strange purring sound, and my center wets with need.

“You sure about not fucking this time around?” he says with a wink.

Goodness!He can sense my arousal even while flying?

“It’s tempting.”

With my words, Maxum’s lips crash onto my mouth, and quickly his tongue tangles with mine. My head spins that I’m in the air with a demon who is consuming any fears I had about flying. When he breaks for a breath, I’m now dizzy from the heights and his wicked kiss.

Maxum turns me so my back is to his chest. He beats his wings fiercely again and we climb higher until we really are in the mist of the clouds. My head is spinning. “Shouldn’t we be careful about someone seeing us?”

“No one will see us,” he assures me.

His hand slips down and inside my pants and underwear. His thick fingers finding my pussy wet and needy. “I think my sweet witch wants to come, doesn’t she?”

“Yes,” I say, breathy and desperate.

Damn, this demon knows how to work my body like a master. He strums my clit with the perfect pressure. Which, kudos to him, for being able to do that while he’s keeping us hovering in the sky.

“Maxum,” I moan, praying for release.

His two thick fingers sink into my channel and the heel of his hand grinds against my clit in a rhythm attuned to my body and pleasure. If he were to break up with me, I would mourn the loss of someone who seemed to understand me on every level—physically, sexually, and mentally.