“He believed it was because he broke off their fling.”
“Well, trying to kill Osen for a break up seems like a bit much,” Jade says flippantly.
I bark out a laugh. “Yeah. A bit much. She knew he was a fickle incubus from the start.”
“Anyway, I get why you killed her. She tried to hurt your pack because she was mad she was ghosted.” Jade kisses my lips.
“But I murdered someone—a witch,” I argue.
“Do you regret it?”
“I wish I had done things differently. Maybe we could have avoided all the violence.” I rub my face in frustration. “But we’ve now come to believe that she was a spy from ASO, and she always intended to kill him. We may never know the truth of it all.”
“Then you can’t keep beating yourself up about it. Okay?” When I nod, she bounces in her chair. “Can I watch you change into your wolf? Is his name really Beast? Or is that just a joke Maxum made?”
I’m surprised how she drops the subject of my violence so easily.
“My wolf didn’t have a name, but he likes it when you call him Beast. He thinks it makes him sound formidable.”
Jade palms her face, embarrassed. “Geeze. How dumb was I that I didn’t realize a wolf wasn’t a dog?”
“To be fair, most wolves don’t just trot inside human’s homes when invited.” I smile with the memory. “And there are some breeds that look a lot like wolves.”
“Can I say hi to him now?” Jade asks.
I stand and drop my boxers. My cock being at eye level has Jade licking her lips.
“Next, I want an appointment with your snake.” She waggles her eyebrows.
I shake my head but chuckle. Then I sober up with my next thought. “I should tell you, I will only be able to have sex in my berserker form. I won’t be able to be with you like that in my human form.”
A tear forms in her eyes. The reality of our relationship has set in.
“That upsets you,” Jade says, like that fact doesn’t affect her.
“Doesn’t it upsetyou?” I ask, my brow wrinkles with confusion.
“Only if you don’t like it.” She frowns, thinking, then asks, “Do you feel all of it? I mean, the werewolf is part of you, right? Do you enjoy the sensations?Youfeel my touch?”
“Well, yeah. But I won’t beme—in this body. And I can’t guarantee your safety with him. I kept him mostly calm before, but he dug his claws into you during sex. We were fortunate that Maxum was able to heal the cuts so easily.”
“We’ll figure this out.” Jade places her cheek in my palm and kisses my wrist. “But now, I need puppy time.”
Beast instantly shifts without my permission. One moment, Jade is holding my hand and staring up at me, the next, she has a massive wolf standing in front of her.
He licks her face, chin to forehead in one swipe, and she shouts her shock.
“Beast! Settle down.” But she’s laughing and rubbing his ears. Hugging him around the neck, she buries her face deep in his fur. “I missed you, sweetie.”
He whimpers, conveying he feels the same.
“I’ll make sure to spend time with you more often, okay?” she promises.
Beast barks his joy and runs around the room.
“Come here. I don’t have the energy yet to chase you.” She picks up the brush she had just been using on herself and moves it over my wolf’s head and neck.
Without even knowing it’s about to happen, my berserker bursts into being, pushing the wolf back into my body.