Jade stands before me in only her skimpy underwear, and I admire her strength and resilience, especially for being a witch. They are not built like supes.

Gently, I touch her damaged flesh. “I will heal these with my magic after you rest.”

She bites her lower lip, and her voice comes out husky. “Sex magic?”

“Would you like that?” I ask.

“Is it illegal to own six dildos in Texas?” she quips as an answer.

She doesn’t know how much I love weird facts, and I chuckle.

“Yes. Yes, it is.” I boop her nose like a silly demon and leave her be so I can ensure the safety of my pack and my mate.




Jade falls asleep immediately in Maxum’s amazing bed. I feel like I need to spruce up my bedroom before she visits it, to make her feel as comfortable and lavished in expensive fabrics as she is in Maxum’s space.

I’m lacking as a provider. To be fair, Maxum is far more wealthy than any of us combined—not that he usually flaunts it. He doesn’t think much about his wealth at all, from what I can tell.

On top of his ability to lavish her with whatever she dreams up, he can heal her and protect her better than I can.

Besides Maxum being a better provider, I’m also lacking in a whole other way that I don’t know how to fix: I might still be a danger to her. Sure, my berserker kept his violence under wraps during sex with her. But Maxum and I kept him reined in the entire time, making sure he didn’t get rough. The threat of Maxum ripping him to shreds probably helped to keep him passive, but I can’t even make love to her in my human form. I want to be intimate with Jade without my beast. Otherwise, every damned time, I will probably have to invite Maxum to make sure my beast doesn’t hurt her.

Will I ever have that? Will I ever be able to lose myself completely in passion with her and in my own body? Or will I always have to hold back?

After a few hours, Jade stirs and stretches. Her mesmerizing hazel eyes instantly find me watching her. “Hey, creeper,” she teases, but admires my naked chest and pulls on my shoulder for me to kiss her. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, why?” Damn, she can see right through me.

“You don’t have to lie to me about stuff anymore. Tell me the truth.”

Well, that stings more than I expected. She’s right, though. The time for lies is done.

“I was just overthinking everything,” I confess, then place gentle kisses over her face until she’s laughing and pushing me away to catch her breath.

“I should freshen up.” She grabs a lock of her matted hair and wrinkles her nose. “This is a fully formed rat’s nest. Do you have a hacksaw?”

“That’s a little drastic.” I guide her to the bathroom and offer, “I’ll help with untangling your hair.”

I leave her to pee and come back when I hear she is washing her hands. “Sit.” I point to a vanity stool, because, of course, bougie Maxum has one. Oh well, I can’t fault him for wanting the finer things in life when I know the life he was born into.

Jade smirks, “I didn’t know Maxum was such a fancy boy.”

I pick up a comb and some oils to untangle Jade’s hair and say off-handedly, “I’m sure, with his age, he’s been just about everything. Except for being in love, until now.”

Jade inspects a lock of her hair, starting at the ends. “Do you mean with me? That’s an awfully big assumption.”

“Not really, but I suppose it isn’t my place to say how anyone else feels.”

My witch stares at the mirror and watches my muscles flex as I brush out her hair. I pretend not to notice, but I preen under her attention. I’ve never cared much about my looks, only that I was strong and honorable.

Now I’m pleased that my woman finds me attractive. Jade even called my wolf handsome. She claims she has no problem with my berserker’s looks, but I know she was only trying to make me feel better.

My wolf inside me bounces around, wishing to get some attention, too. He misses Jade from their long days in her home. He demands ear scratches.