I sort of want to test him by leaning in a few inches and pressing my lips to his to see what he might do. But I’m being a good girl today. Or trying my fucking best to be. No promises.

I don’t pull back or cower. I lean in ever so slightly. His ice-blue eyes widen just a fraction.

“So you testing me includes getting this close?” I glance down at his full, lush lips to make him nervous.

He swallows, fully realizing his mistake. I can almost hear his mind shouting, “Abort mission!”

“I, uh, yes, I have to test you with distractions,” he says, regaining a bit of his composure.

“Rub her ears!” Sage suggests. “And she might lick you!”

Calder turns bright pink. Whoops. He’s lost the upper hand again.

I have to hold back my laughter. I’m sure Sage doesn’t realize how sexual that sounds… right? Oh, my goodness, sheisa bunny. Maybe she does mean it sexually.

I lock eyes with the phoenix and tuck my hair behind my ear as a not-so-subtle taunt. “Well?” I hint about my petting.

“Well… what?” He pulls back an inch and glances at my ear.

“Did I keep my mind bubble in place, or did your distraction work?” I ask in an innocent voice.

“Oh.” He concentrates briefly. He’s lost the thread about why he is so close to me. Hmm. Interesting… maybe he’s more attracted to me than I originally thought. “Yeah, you were able to keep your shields up. Very good.”

“So what do I get as a reward?” I tilt my head, dragging my gaze down his body to egg on his frustration and ire.

“Reward?” he echoes.

I swear he’s more of a parrot than a phoenix at the moment.

“My treat. For being a good girl?”

Calder narrows his eyes, finally seeing my suggestive talk for the teasing it is. “Hmm.” He steps closer, looking every bit the menacing grump he can be.

I instinctively step back. The back of my legs hit the desk behind me.

He presses closer, his body aligning with mine. He leans over, and I arch backward. His hands land on the desk. His huge arms bracket me in, pinning me in place. “Is this you being good? Because it feels like you are being naughty.”

“I suppose it depends on your definition?” My eyes flicker up to meet his flaming blue gaze, noting his teeth are now biting his full lower lip.

“I suppose it depends on the context,” he replies. “What do you feel you deserve for a treat?”

Okay. Tables have officially been turned.

I’m flustered, and my pussy is throbbing with his body pressed against mine. I swallow down my nervous sexual energy. I must regain my senses, or he won’t let me live this down.

He leans in farther, his lips about to graze mine. “What would you like me to rub?”

Be strong. So many retorts pass through my mind. I want to tell him I’d like to watch him rub his own cock, but he is just waiting for me to break like this.

I hold my shields strong, or so I hope.

What does he wish to gain from this suggestive scenario?

Does he want to prove I’m a weak-willed slut? Or that he has the power to distract me? Or is he attracted to me too?

Or is he really just trying to test my mental fortitude and figures this is the best way to test me? Because he isn’t wrong.

The only other thing he could do that might distract me more is to physically attack me.