I stand vigil for what feels like an eon. The waiting is torture.
Finally, Amira says, “I’ve done what I could for her body. The swelling on her brain has subsided. With the wounds healed, sheshouldwake up any moment now, but I don’t sense that she is.”
“Is there anything you can do to bring her spirit back?” I ask. “Don’t witches have some ability to call souls?”
“Personally, I don’t. But my other mate, a hellhound, might be able to give us some advice.” Amira taps her lips, thinking.
I’m shocked that this witch is bonded to not one, but at least two supernaturals. Maybe Jade being with Maxum and Arran won’t be such an issue after all. The couple before me seem to have a deep and loving bond.
“Darius might suggest for them to call to her,” Raithe says from his place sitting next to Calder on the floor. “Maxum, it sounds like you have mind speak abilities.”
“More like mind fuckery.” Maxum sighs, waving him off with defeat. “I can pull out memories, scramble brains, or implant false memories, but I don’t work with the soul… just the mind.”
Amira looks at me.
I shake my head. “I don’t see how my limited abilities can help her.”
“Perhaps, just try calling her—all of you. Visualize her spirit, her soul, and ask it to come back.” Amira waves Raithe over. “Maybe you can use your rebirth magic to assist if we find her?” She looks at the berserker. “Can you shift back to your human form for Jade?”
Arran nods, stands, and forces a shift.
I toss him a blanket from the couch for him to tie around his waist, since Amira’s mate doesn’t appreciate Arran’s naked display.
The amenable phoenix gives me a wink as he passes by. “Thanks. He’s too sexy for his own good.”
I shrug. I wouldn’t really know. I wasn’t created to judge or admire sexiness. I only see someone’s soul. And no one has called me to have more than a passing interest in exploring more. Well, except two. The first one was four hundred years ago, and now again, with Jade.
I can’t say I’m sexually attracted to her, but I want to know her. I’d like to know what she likes to eat. I wish to hear her thoughts on the magical world and discuss the differences in what she dreamed up compared to what is real. I’d like to talk with her about all the things she finds interesting. This makes no sense, because I don’t enjoy talking in general.
Yet, with Jade, I want to teach her all about this world that she’s just discovered. However, I fear it’s too late for me to share my knowledge or to share any moments with her.
“Come around,” Amira instructs. “Imagine her in your mind. Place your hand on her body and call her back.”
Fear, dread, and longing all smash into my chest. I feel like I’m sinking to the bottom of the ocean.
Touch her? I can’t. Can I?
Without hesitation, Arran and Maxum each grab a hand.
Standing by her feet, I stare at her shoes. Slowly and carefully, I reach out to place one finger on the top of her slip-on shoe. That’s safe. I can do this.
As soon as I make contact, even with a shoe, my body turns to stone. But that’s okay. I’m touching her, and my mind and spirit can still call to her soul.
Fortunately, everyone is so focused on their own meditation they haven’t noticed that I’ve turned to stone. Hopefully, Jade will wake, and her foot will be pulled away from my hand. Then I can return to my normal state with no one taking notice.
I’m glad Jade is unable to see the coward I am right now.
When I froze up before, she pitied me. I can’t bear to see the sympathy in her eyes for my pathetic and debilitating anxiety.
Will I ever get over it? Could Jade help me through it?
I believe she could talk me through my fears again. Maybe next time I could be stronger. Maybe one day, without incident, I could brush up against her, hold her hand, or carry her in my arms as I take her on a flight through the clouds.
But first, she needs to return to us. To me. To be my friend, of course.
The image of her sweet smile appears in my mind from when I told her a few facts about being a gargoyle. She’s so inquisitive. She’s so vibrant that I wonder if she could bring color and joy back to my existence.
“Jade,”I call.