I rush over to the couch in the adjoining living room and grab a small blanket.

Turning around, I regain my composure as I cautiously approach her. Her eyes are wide, studying me. She’s trying to hide a smile. Is she happy that I’ve thought of her? But my heart grows heavy—why does she feel like she has to hide any response?

“I have made you uncomfortable,” I say, setting the blanket down over the barstool next to hers.

She shakes her head. “What makes you say that?”

“You were hiding a smile. You don’t feel you can express your emotions around me.”

“I was worried I might makeyouuncomfortable.” She places the blanket over her lap and seems to be lost in thought. “Okay. I think I should try something.”

I am intrigued. “What is that?”

“I’m going to be completely honest with you.”

Alarm sets in. “What? You haven’t been honest before now?”

Her eyes widen. “Oh, shoot. No. That didn’t sound right. Okay. I mean… I will say exactly what is going on in my mind, but you have to try and be okay with whatever I say.”

“Yes, we can try this.” I’m nervous. I haven’t been truly nervous in so very long.

“Just now. When you thought I was cold, I was really shivering because of your voice.”

“The sound of my voice repulses you?” My already heavy heart feels like it has stopped beating. “I don’t know how to change it.”

“No.” She smiles reassuringly. “I like your voice… a lot. Maybe too much. When your voice dropped lower and with such intensity, it gave me good shivers. But I know you don’t really like females, so I didn’t want to smile when you were trying to be so nice and take care of me with the blanket. I didn’t want you to think that I was expectingsomethingfrom you.”

“Oh.” I think about what she has said. “I see, but I don’t dislike females. I enjoy your company.”

“So, is it just touching females that bothers you then?” she asks, her hands fiddle nervously with her blanket.

I want to tell her the story. For the first time in my life, I wish to share with someone who might understand. However, she might fear me afterward.

“Yes. I…” I’m at a loss for what to say. “I will tell you my story one day.” I turn and begin to pull out ingredients from the pantry. “But for now, I wish to feed you. I want to see your magic grow. Then you won’t be as vulnerable to attacks.”

“Can I help?” she asks.

When I glance over, she looks ready to spring from her seat.

“No.” Seeing her deflate a bit, I offer a compromise. “Maybe you can wash these fruits?”

“I can chop them up too.” She hops off the stool, bounces around the island, and grins at me expectantly.

“I’m not giving you a knife,” I inform her.

Jade blows out air in protest. “Uh, I’m not a child.” She braces her fists on her hips. “I can wield ablade!” she announces dramatically, and grabs a knife out of the block.

Giving in to her demands, I warn, “I won’t forgive you if you cut your pretty typing fingers.”

“Awwww! You think my fingers are pretty?” Excitedly, she grabs her chest where her heart is and almost stabs herself with the action.

This woman!

“Give me the knife.” I hold out my hand. “You almost killed yourself already.”

“Nope!” She challenges me. “You can’t take it from me.”

I chuckle darkly at her assumption. Jade thinks that I won’t because I can’t touch her. She is a menace just as Maxum teases.