I worried both times I’d used my unique magic, thinking it wouldn’t work on a witch. This time I worried since she is no longer being blocked by her pendant that her own magic might reject mine. But it seems her magic welcomes me. It validates in my belief we are meant to be.
Jade’s eyes are closed, and she appears to have passed out. Her mind is quiet, which is unusual for her. But when I scratch the surface of her being, I sense she is at peace, which is also uncommon for her.
Idly, I wonder what her mind feels like when she’s writing.
I don’t want to break this contented bliss she has found, though. I would keep my dick hard and deep inside her and my arms braced to keep my full weight off her forever if it meant she was happy.
My witch inhales deeply and grins. Slowly, she opens her eyes and gazes up into my face. With a lazy voice, she says, “Today’s pleasure is brought to you by the words: demon dick.”
I burst out with a laugh, my cock bucking inside her. With a soft peck on the lips, I roll off, and then I move us to rest properly on the bed. I jump up and get a warm wet cloth and wipe her clean so she can relax comfortably.
“I like this,” she says. “Being taken care of. It’s weird to experience, but nice.”
I snuggle up next to her, pulling my wings back into my form.
“That is so cool.” Jade strokes my cheek and then traces her finger around the base of my horns, and I shiver.
“You have something interesting as well. You probably haven’t noticed, but when you orgasmed while I was working my sex magic, you glowed. It was a complicated pattern. I couldn’t make sense of it.”
For whatever reason, she grabs her boobs and looks down at her body in shock. “I did? Why?”
“I don’t know why,” I say calmly, to ease her concern.
“You’ve never heard of this?” she rushes to ask. “When you used healing magic on other people, didn’t it happen to them?”
I answer truthfully. “I’ve never used my healing magic on someone before.”
“What?” She sits up, her mouth dropping open. “In all your centuries, you’veneverdone that? Why did you use it with me?”
“I’ve never wanted to save someone the way I needed to save you.”
“Me? The weirdo romance writer?” She shakes her head. “You need to get out more,” she scoffs.
“Don’t do that,” I urge her, with my voice dropping low, likely scaring her a bit. “Don’t belittle yourself.”
Nodding, she doesn’t argue with me about this. “Do you think my light show could be a bad thing?”
“While I didn’t sense evil or ill-intent, it’s a mystery I’d like for us to explore. Likely, it’s connected to your witch magic. I don’t know as much as a witch like Amira could teach you about the various magics you could possess, but I can give you some basic lessons on channeling and controlling your magic. When your power presents, we will know more about what to research.”
“I would think you would have plenty more important things to do besides teach me basic witch skills.” She quickly adds, “I’m not being down on myself, just the facts. You have the war brewing and supes being killed.”
“You realize you are part of my effort to stop all that, right?”
“Oh. If we can unlock what I can do, you might discover who killed Osen, and what Rob was using me for.”
I pull her body on top of mine and stare into her questioning eyes. “Don’t for one second think that’s the main reason I want to train you. My first concern is to keep you safe. The rest, if it materializes, will just be a bonus. Understand?”
“Yeah.” She rests her head on my chest and yawns. “I’m exhausted.”
“Sorry. Rapid healing can do that.” I kiss the top of her head. “Rest now.”
I’m shocked when I wake up and find Maxum is still snuggled up with me at midday. His outrageously muscular arm is holding me to his side. My head is resting on the rock he calls a pec. Aw, and yes, I do indeed have a bit of drool leaking out on his fine crimson tattooed chest. Apparently, this is my informal claiming procedure.