Through her eyes, I see the beauty of the fae realm again. “Elfhame,” I correct. “Yes, you are in another realm. However, this isn’t your first visit, is it? You’ve likely astrally traveled to other dimensions in your sleep before, been here in your special dreams.”
“Yes, but it’s so much more vibrant than in Osen’s memories.” She smiles brilliantly at both Arran and me. “I suppose it was usually nighttime during his memories, though.”
A flower faerie flutters over to us. Their arrival is a response to the call of amnesty that I requested from the fae royalty so we could travel through the fae realm with a witch. Fortunately, during Jade’s time of need, I have people in high places who owe me favors.
“Tavi!” I greet her. “Good to see you have recovered.”
She smiles shyly and looks over at Jade. “And I am happy your witch is recovering. The Fae Queen and her consorts grant you permission to travel freely. Oh, and Hollis says hello and to stay out of trouble… if that’s possible.”
I grin at the mention of my former student. He has outdone himself from the scrappy teenager I tutored.
“Please send the Queen and Hollis our regards and our thanks.”
“The Queen would also like to extend an invitation to the witch to visit anytime she wishes.”
Hmm. That’s interesting and a bit odd. But perhaps this is a play to get more witches on the supernatural’s side and put an end to the violence. “Much appreciated. However, until we are able to secure my witch friend’s safety, we won’t be making any rounds of visits.”
Arran clears his throat. “Tavi, I want to thank you and your mate for saving Jade. I plan to bring you a gratitude offering in the near future.”
“I appreciate the gratitude, but it is unnecessary. May the Goddess light your way.” Tavi does a little bow midair and then flies off. However, I doubt she has left. She’ll be watching us until we leave her realm. No doubt Hollis’ instruction was to make sure that we find our way out peacefully.
I pick up Jade and carry her cradled in my arms.
She squeaks and bats at my chest. “I can walk.”
“Barely,” I argue. “Besides, I need to do this. You frightened me with your alleyway stunt. And you are much slower than we are,” I say with a laugh at her pout.
“Am I too slow?” She rolls her eyes. “It’s not my fault that my legs are so much shorter than yours. You are both giants.”
“No,” Arran says. “But we could introduce you to some actual giants.”
“Really?” Jade practically bounces in my arms with excitement. “Wait… are they cool or assholes?”
“Depends on the giant.” Arran shrugs. “We’ll have to wait to go on an Elfhame tour until things have settled down.”
“In the meantime, we can teach you about different species and proper etiquette.” I move faster since I want to get to our next portal point. That one is a permanent fixture, so there won’t be a trail of my portal magic to follow to my house.
We jump through another portal and to another. Then finally, we trek away from the last one, and I open up one to my house.
The traveling has exhausted Jade, but when she sees the lakeside cabin, her eyes light up. “Please tell me this is where we are staying.”
“Because you are done with the portal hopping?” I joke, feeling vulnerable with her seeing the place I call home.
“Well, a little. But no, this place looks exactly like one of my dreamscapes.” She’s studying her surroundings and appears fascinated by my home.
“Dreamscapes?” I ask as I carry her closer.
“Yeah. It’s what I call the places that feel real to me. Like I can go back to them over and over and they don’t change or morph into something else like regular dreams do.”
“Maybe they weren’t dreams at all?” I suggest. “You could have dream magic. It makes sense. You could have traveled here astrally.”
“But why would I come here all these years? You think it was like a premonition of sorts?”
Should I tell Jade it is because her soul was seeking mine all these years? That my heart tells me she is my fated mate? My match? That we are destined to be together… No, she isn’t ready for that. She doesn’t believe it when Arran tells her, and she has a deeper connection with him than me.
No, she’s not ready yet. Jade’s beliefs and sensibilities are still mired in the human world. Even if she plays with the idea in her books, she doesn’t truly believe there are people out there meant for us—who are fated.
Jade wiggles to get me to release her, but I hold on tightly. I’m going to carry her over the threshold into my home, just like the bridal tradition the humans have stolen from supes.