Opening my eyes, I see the witch snuggled in Arran’s arms, playing fucking innocent and chatting with Trouble, the guinea pig.
My body roars to life, and my anger returns with my last memories. Apparently, I didn’t die since I don’t feel like I’ve lost another part of myself.
I lift from the ground and my wings spread out to their full span and catch fire, likely scorching the ceiling.
Flint and Maxum are now in front of me, blocking my path to the witch.
“Move,” I snarl at them, not moving my stare from the now frightened witch.
Arran pulls her closer to his chest, readying to race away with her in his arms.
“She’s behind Osen’s death,” I say, firmly. “I heard them fighting at his death spot.”
Maxum steps into my line of sight. “Sorry. Old news, buddy. While you were taking your little nap, we got the entire story.”
“No.” I shake my head. “Osen said it was her that night.”
“He remembers someone wholookedlike her,” Flint explains. “But his memory could be faulty. Jade said someone there looked a lot like her, but not exactly.”
“And you trust her explanation?” I demand. “What does Osen’s spirit have to say about this?”
“He hasn’t surfaced yet,” Arran growls. “Stand down, or my beast is going to tear you apart for threatening Jade.”
“You would kill me? Overher? A witch?” I shout.
The pain of rejection slices at my soul, along with the thought of the permanent loss of Osen.
“Put your flames out and listen for a moment,” Maxum asks of me in his calm, reassuring voice that he laces with his mind-bending influence.
It isn’t enough to make me forget my warpath, and it pisses me off that he’s using his powers against me—for her sake.
“Stop it, Maxum,” Flint says softly. Then he looks at me. “Calder, you have a right to be upset and confused. However, there are few things that have come to light since you were hurt. Jade appears to be innocent. I don’t sense danger from her end. We need to keep our heads and leave soon. Someone was tracking Jade without her knowledge. I sense we are all in danger if we stay here much longer.”
My fire fades, and I no longer see red. I don’t know how Flint is able to calm me. Possibly because he’s the most logical of us, and if he’s certain, I should take heed.
“We need to go to my last resort safe house,” Maxum says, taking a step back when he sees I’m settling.
I don’t trust her, and I’m still pissed. I won’t believe anything until I hear it from Osen.
But that’s the rub, isn’t it?
If she has access to Osen’s thoughts and personality, then she can lie and mimic him.
How can we trustanythingthat comes out of her mouth?
Maxum palms my shoulder and grins. “I’m happy you have returned to us whole.”
He means my rebirth process. I can’t say I ever have returned whole, and I don’t feel complete now. Without Osen, I feel hollow.
Yet, even when he was around, something was missing. Part of my soul was destroyed when that witch tortured me to death.
“Let’s pack our things,” Flint suggests, tilting his head toward the hall to our bedrooms.
I follow along, glaring at Jade the entire time.
On my way past her, she says, “I’m happy you are okay. Thank you for saving me.” Her eyes are downcast, and she’s so quiet and timid.
It’s as if she’s afraid I will attack. Maybe sheisafraid of me. Could that mean she isn’t as powerful as I assume?