“My guess is the magic of the treaty,” Merlara suggests. “You were meant to be in Ryven. And you are fated to be with your mates. Magic brought you together.”
My heart aches again, and I grab at my chest. I need to find out what happened to Eldrin and Jaden. I ask Lalo, “What of Eldrin and Jaden? Our guards?”
Lalo looks apologetic as she hovers an arm’s reach away. “We have heard nothing about Jaden other than he is missing, along with two guards. One of your guards is dead. Commander Turgon captured one. And the prince is locked inside a travel shelter.”
“Can you take us to Eldrin?” I ask, stepping forward, ready to leave that very moment.
“That isn’t safe,” Merlara says with a shake of her head.
“I didn’t ask for your permission.” I narrow my eyes at my former keeper and take a couple of deep breaths. “You knew about everything this whole time—who I really was—and the life I was supposed to have at Ryven Castle. Why should I trust you when you lied to me my entire life?”
“I was under orders.” My former keeper’s eyes well with tears—the first time I have seen such a thing from Merlara. “Magnus had my mate Roul killed to show me how serious he was about your secret.”
“What? Over me?” My icy attitude melts, and I move to hug Merlara, my own eyes filling with sorrow. “I didn’t know!”
“How could you?” Merlara shakes her head.
“I understand your pain. My… my mate bonds are broken.” I cry into Merlara’s shoulder. “But please, help me rescue my loves!”
“Oh, stars. Yes, I will help.” Merlara breaks from our embrace and whistles, her horse trots up in answer. “Let’s go save your prince.”
It’s well past twilight when I peer over a fallen log lying near the portal. From my vantage point, I can just barely see the comings and goings of the Elven soldiers. Currently, six guards have been making comments about how they are going to torture the humans. My stomach turns with disgust every time they speak. These elves are corrupt and vile.
Daylor glances back toward King Nathaniel’s castle. He murmurs, his words barely audible, “Someone’s coming.”
“It’s Turgon and his guards,” Baelen hisses urgently.
“Daylor, work your magic,” I whisper.
Baelen and I are quiet as we move closer to Daylor. He places his hands on our shoulders, and his energy expands to encompass us, concealing us from unwanted eyes.
Unwittingly, Turgon rides right past us and toward the portal. He addresses the six guards standing by the closedportal. “It’s officially war.” Turgon grins like he has just won a prize.
My whole body goes still with fear.War.
There’s nothing I can do by myself to stop it. Unfortunately, perhaps there’s nothing anyone can do about it—except for the kings. Or if Eldrin can convince our new powerful allies in Elfhame to stop Magnus. But I have to get to Eldrin first to help.
Turgon chants the magical words to open the portal and swipes his hand over the gateway. It opens, revealing several troops waiting on the other side.
“Come! Destroy!” Turgon orders.
The soldiers pour through, eager to ravage the lands. I observe they seem to be in a strange frenzy. I have never seen bloodlust like this in Elven eyes before, even in the most chaotic battles.
Once all the elves have charged through and begin their descent down the hill toward the castle, Turgon rides through to Elfhame and closes the doorway.
The same six soldiers are left to guard the portal.
I turn to Daylor and Baelen and explain my plan. “I believe our best tactic is to go through now while they are all attacking the castle. Then we find Eldrin so we can rally our allies. We can’t stop all of Magnus’ soldiers by ourselves.”
Daylor’s worried eyes follow the mass of elves. “Agreed.”
“We can take these guards, but what about getting the portal to open?” Baelen asks.