At sunset, Commander Turgon arrives at King Nathaniel’s castle with a dozen of his Elven soldiers. Rhys and I watch from the king’s chamber window. The elves are a formidable force, radiating confidence and the promise of death to any challenger.
I shiver with foreboding.
“Are you afraid of him?” Rhys asks, noticing my reaction.
“I don’t know any elves other than the ones you know.” I check the room for unwanted ears. “Well, and the Mage Weaver. It’s just… my magical senses tell me he’s deadly powerful even among elves.”
“My mortal senses say the same.” Rhys nods to King Nathaniel as he rejoins us in his meeting chamber.
“He is dangerous,” King Nathaniel confirms. “I met with him during the original negotiations. I don’t trust a word that comes out of his mouth.”
“Elves aren’t known for lying,” Rhys says, confused.
“But theyareknown for bending and skirting the truth. And just because something isn’t usually done doesn’t mean itcan’tbe done.” King Nathaniel pauses and gazes out the window at the smoke from the burning village in the distance. “Elvescanlie.”
A moment later, Turgon and one of his personal guards enter the King’s meeting chambers. “King Nathaniel.”
“Commander Turgon,” King Nathaniel turns away from the window and greets him just as curtly.
Turgon glances over at Rhys and me. “Hello,Princess,” he says snidely, all but outing me with his tone.
I nod to him, but don’t respond to his implied insult.
King Nathaniel waves to his guard to shut the door. He sits behind his enormous desk, and points to the chair where Turgon can sit across from him. I take a seat next to my father, as I usually do.
Taking on the role of protector, Rhys stands alert next to his king and me. Turgon’s guard posts himself in a spot just behind his master.
The two leaders stare at each other for a long while. Finally, Nathaniel’s rage boils, and he speaks first, “What was the meaning behind the ghouls attacking my villagers?”
“I think you know.” Turgon leans back casually, expressing his indifference to a mortal king.
“Please, enlighten me.” King Nathaniel tenses his shoulders, and his hands close into fists on the desk, though his gaze remains steady as he stares at Turgon.
Rhys and I notice the escalating anger and glance at each other. I hope my father will keep his wits about him. Otherwise, this is going to end in a declaration of war.
“You imprisoned an Elven royal with no grounds. Then shackled him and his royal advisors in iron. A punishment, from which I must say with a heavy heart he didn’t recover.”
I wonder briefly how Turgon knew of the imprisonment. Am I not the only elf hidden in the castle? Or is Turgon working with the mage and she visioned what happened?
Eyes narrowing, King Nathaniel asks, “You have seen this for yourself?”
“Our human ambassador, Wynstelle, attempted to rescue him, but it was for naught.” Turgon shrugs.
“Where is Wynstelle?” Nathaniel demands quickly, before I can even open my mouth.
“In all the chaos, she suffered injuries from your men during her escape with the Elven Prince and his entourage. Her fate came to a bitter end.” Turgon eyes me for confirmation.
King Nathaniel does the same.
“I have not sensed her since the ghoul attacks.” I don’t add that I met the mage on my excursion. My father might not take the news well.
“Wynstelle is gone?” he whispers, pain clear on his face.
“It seems you only care for yourflesh and blood, but not the Elven Prince,” Turgon says, then he adds, “You offer no apology? Not that it would make up for what you did. You have not denied the attempted murder of Prince Eldrin… and as per my king’s orders, we declare our peace treaty officially broken.”
“You are declaring war?” Nathaniel asks without a shred of emotion.
I shiver at his uncanny ability to shut down his reactions.