Page 82 of Chaos Tempted

Rhys clenches his jaw with worry. “You believe she was killed when the mage attacked?”

I hang my head in an attempt to avoid the guilt I feel. “It feels like that to my senses, but I’m not exactly sure what happened. Wynstelle was frightened, as if she were being attacked or captured. I think all three elves were very upset. Then the mage ripped apart our connection.”

Rhys thinks about my confession. “There has been word sent that an Elven representative will arrive tonight to parley with our king.”

“Have they explained the ghoul attacks?”

“No. We have assumed it was in response to the prince’s incarceration.”

“It feels bigger than that.” I shake my head.

“I agree.” Rhys stares into my eyes. “Are you sure it’ssafefor you to return here?”

“I don’t know. I was hoping you would help me discover that.” I reach out to touch his hand. “I’m sorry for deceiving you all this time. Please understand that I never wanted any of this.”

“I believe you. I probably shouldn’t trust you at all, but I’ve made some crazy choices recently.” Rhys chuckles without humor. “I will find out what has happened, and if King Nathaniel’s sanity has returned.”

“I’m afraid he is being influenced. So be careful around him.”

“I’ve noticed that too.” Rhys holds my hand briefly, giving it a squeeze in reassurance. Then he jogs out of the stables. “Stay here until I return. Keep out of sight!”

A half-hour later, Rhys comes back into the stables. I dare a peek from behind the wall of the empty stall, then step out when he waves me forward.

“King Nathaniel is very concerned about your well-being. He asked about you as soon as he saw me.” Rhys gives me a smile. “I think we should relieve his worry before the parley begins.”

“I suppose I should.” Feeling grateful he’s helping me, I hug Rhys. “I have a bad feeling about all of this, but I feel it’s my destiny and perhaps my duty to face whatever comes next. If I don’t have a chance to tell you later, I want to thank you for not rejecting me because of what I am.”

“You cannot change what you are. But you do seem to want the best for all. Just as I do.” Rhys holds my shoulders and gazes into my eyes. “You agree that war will benefit none of us?”

“I do!” I raise my eyebrows, shocked that he would question that after what I confessed. “I love this realm and its people. I have no connection to the Elven people. If anything, I am resentful of how I was traded away as an infant to be an infiltrator—an imposter. I’m just happy I haven’t been asked to do anything to betray King Nathaniel.”

“You really love him as a father?” Rhys asks softly. “And he cares for you as a daughter?”

“Heismy father.” My voice is choked with emotion.

“Let’s go see him then.”

We enter the castle without the guards stopping us. Hurrying, we climb the stone stairs to the king’s meeting chambers. The guards are surprised to see me, but they don’t stop Rhys from quickly knocking on the door and announcing my return.

“Twyla!” King Nathaniel’s voice booms when he hears the news.

I rush inside and to his side.

He wraps his arms around me in a welcoming embrace. “Where have you been?” He glances up and sees Rhys coming into the room. “Rhys, what is it?”

“Would you like me to serve as a personal guard for the princess when the Elven delegate arrives?” Rhys offers.

“Hmm. Yes. That would be a wise move to have someone dedicated to her well-being.” However, he hesitates, and I know he worries that the secret of my changeling origins might be revealed during the negotiations.

“It’s alright.” I hold my father’s hands and gaze up at him. “Rhys figured out my secret.”

“How?” He glares at Rhys.

“He’s smarter than he looks.” I smile at Rhys teasingly. “And more observant than I gave him credit for.”

The king looks relieved. “Actually, that makes things easier. I will have you both here with me during the meeting. Since my hand, Harold, died last year, I don’t have anyone to trust at my side other than Twyla.”

“It would be an honor, your Majesty.” Rhys bows.