“Sir!” Baelen cries out and jumps down from her horse. She keeps my head from slamming into the ground.
My eyes flutter closed, and I slump in her arms.
“Master Jaden, what’s wrong?”
I can’t answer.
Baelen sets me down on the ground and looks for anything that might have caused me to collapse. But there’s no one present who could have injured me.
No, my injury is from the loss of my mate.
I’m still in shock that Wynstelle allowed me to leave the stables. She trusted me, however frail that trust might be. And her mates didn’t argue with her decision. In a short time, they have grown to trust her instincts.
I just hope that they aren’t all wrong for trusting me.
It was the look on Rhys’ face that unsettles me the most. He knows. Or he suspects there is something different about me. His keen intelligence is a big reason I’ve pushed him away, but it’s all for nothing now. He’ll demand answers if we survive this. At least he didn’t arrest me or stop me now.
My path to move closer to the village in search of ghouls is hindered by trying to keep my presence undiscovered. I wear a hooded cloak, but that will do no good if someone comes near.
I’ve had to go the long way to avoid soldiers and people escaping the village. So far, I haven’t seen a ghoul myself. As I near, I smell smoke from the village, more than should bepresent, and suspect houses are on fire. I shudder at the thought of so much damage.
Will I be able to do anything if I find a ghoul? What if Wyn is correct, and the spell prevents me from getting through to them?
What if they eat me?
I’m so lost in my worries, my horse sees the threat before I do.
It rears up when the Mage Weaver appears out of nowhere. I cry out in panic and check over both shoulders, looking for a quick escape. But I know the attempt will be fruitless. If the mage wants me, then I’m hers to command. That doesn’t mean I intend to make it pleasant for the Weaver.
“What do you want?” I hiss. It’s brave and foolish.
“I need something from you.” The Mage Weaver motions for me to get down from my horse. Her voice almost sounds kind, but I don’t believe she has a kind bone in her body.
“I won’t hurt King Nathaniel,” I vow defiantly.
“That isn’t why I am here.” She sneers. “Your soft heart ruined those plans.”
“You know that I can’t be turn against him?” I’m shocked, but realize I shouldn’t be.
“It’s no matter. I always have a back-up plan. You will still be of use to me, as I had originally intended, with only a minor adjustment.”
“Your plans?” I slowly slide down from my horse, because I know if I don’t, with a flick of her finger, she can throw me to the ground with magic. Besides, I feel a tug of compulsion to move toward her now matter how I fight her call. “Did you bring the ghouls to the mortal realm?”
“That isn’t your concern. Come. Here.Now.” The Mage Weaver’s voice is sharp and impatient.
I inch forward. When I’m within the Weaver’s reach, she grabs me and spins me around.
The mage rips the back of my dress to expose the changeling mark between my shoulder blades.
Startled, I yelp and struggle to break free. “What are you doing?”
The Mage Weaver scrapes what feels like razor-sharp nails over the mark with a complex pattern, cutting into my flesh and making me bleed. The mage chants something under her breath.