Page 71 of Chaos Tempted

I whisper to Oakes, “I don’t like this.”

“Neither do I, but we need to get out of here as soon as we can. The mortals might kill us before we can escape. If we all go searching, we’ll be more noticeable. We might get caught by all the noise alone.”

“I know.” I study the ground and then quickly scan our surroundings. “I just feel something bad is going to happen.”

“Something badishappening,” Oakes says with more gruffness than usual.

“Somethingelse…” I blow my cheeks out in agitation.

Oakes is still recovering from near death in the dungeons, and we are still in jeopardy. There is no guarantee that things will be better for any of us with our return to the fae realm, or if we will find the portal. In fact, I guess that our circumstances just might become worse.

Is that what upsets me right now? That we mightneverbe safe again? Eldrin is likely in danger from his father. If King Nathaniel doesn’t kill him, Magnus might just secretly kill the prince to enrage the Elven population.

Suddenly, I sense Eldrin’s panic. I grab Oakes’ arm. “It’s Eldrin. He’s in trouble.” Then, after sensing my other mate, I cry, “Jaden, too!”

“I can sense it too.” Oakes turns our horse to charge in Eldrin’s direction. He orders Daylor, “See to Jaden!”

Our guard rides off to help Jaden. As he vanishes, I realize Oakes and I are on our own now.

Within moments, five elves on horseback appear out of nowhere and block our path. “You are coming with us,” one of the Elven soldiers orders, his stare cold and hard.

They display no sigils to designate their loyalties, and Oakes asks, “On whose authority do you order me?”

The elf pats his sword in its sheath. “On this authority.”

Oakes scoffs. “Announce your master.”

The elf narrows his eyes but concedes, “King Magnus has sent us to collect the royal travelers.”

“Fine.” Oakes waves him off. “I’m headed to collect the prince now myself.”

“Wewill retrieve him.” The soldier points an angry finger in the direction we guess the portal is located. “Go through the portal now, or we will use force.”

Oakes’ grip tightens on his reins, and he hugs me closer in our saddle. However, he doesn’t move to comply.

“The mortal might not survive an altercation,” the elf threatens with apparent indifference. Although if I have to guess, he will happily murder me under the guise that I resisted orders.

“I would never forgive myself if you got hurt,” Oakes grumbles in my ear. “Not to mention Eldrin and Jaden.”

“Oakes.” I clasp his hand on the reins and whisper, “No. I don’t trust them.”

“Neither do I, but we are limited in our choices. Eldrin and Jaden might soon be on their way back to Elfhame, too.”

Oakes prompts his horse to move forward. One elf moves ahead to lead the way. After coming over a small hill, not far in front of us, stands an open portal. A few dozen Elven soldiers are on the fae side.

Eldrin, Jaden, and our guards are nowhere in sight.

Again, I reach out with my mate bond connection. I sense they are stressed. Probably making the same decision that Oakes just made—to comply, for my sake. I hope they aren’t putting themselves in more harm.

As we approach the portal, one soldier orders, “Off your horse.”

Oakes holds me in place. “No.”

The man grabs at Oakes’ reins, but Oakes charges forward with a kick to his horse. The steed leaps through into Elfhame and keeps running full tilt.

Four soldiers rush to follow the runaway horse.

Fearfully, I glance around Oakes’ shoulder and I see Magnus’ soldiers are gaining on us.