“Make that happen,” I say to Jaden.
With a tight nod, Jaden agrees. He sets his sights on Wyn and stalks across the room. He grasps her hands and falls to the bedside, begging forgiveness. “I’m sorry I let you down.”
“You didn’t.” She brushes his raven-black locks from his face, making him look up at her adoringly. “You have all done for me more than I ever expected. This wasn’t your fault. I just was born the wrong species.”
“Don’t say that,” I say as I gently turn her head to look at me. “You are perfect just the way you are.”
Jaden kisses her small fingers and agrees. “The prince isn’t wrong.” He gives me a soft smile and my heart lightens with his gesture. Maybe we can mend what’s broken between us after all.
“We can all sleep here tonight,” I offer. “I don’t think any of us want to leave Wyn alone. Wyn, would you like that?”
She grins at me, and my heart nearly bursts with joy. I love being the reason for her happiness. It will never get old, bringing a smile to this beautiful soul.
“Thank you, Eldrin. I would like all of you around me so that I know you are safe.”
“And to keep you safe, love.” Jaden kisses her temple.
For a moment, we all just enjoy the camaraderie and I dare to hope that all will work out in the end.
As I wake in Eldrin’s gigantic bed, I smile to myself. Each male is touching me somehow. Eldrin is on one side and Oakes on the other. Jaden has curled up, holding my legs. Even though the bed is huge, the three tall, broad-shouldered elves barely fit on it.
I watch them, admiring my elves. With my slight stirring, each of them—still asleep—tightens their hold on me with a little squeeze.
My heart nearly cracks, knowing I will have to leave them. It’s the sanest decision to keep everyone safe.
I believe King Magnus wants me to disappear for good so he can start a war with the mortals. I need to leave, so I’m no longer an easy target. What if he hurts Eldrin, Jaden, or Oakes to get to me?
Already I have been kidnapped, beaten, sliced open, and left for dead in the snow in the mortal realm. That isn’t evencounting the ghouls that were spelled to attack humans in Elfhame. My intuition senses that it isn’tjustKing Magnus behind the ghoul attacks and my abduction.
Oakes and Jaden, valiantly tried to rescue me, and were almost killed by humans just for being associated with me. I feel responsible for the pain that they’ve endured. My continued existence seems to provoke the two realms into starting a war.
I don’t know why these three think that I’m overreacting, and that the threat should be overlooked when considering their proposal to mate bond with them.
I remind myself that I should consider what the mage has to say before I make a final decision. Mage Neven advised me before my abduction to the human realm that I shouldn’t run away, but the circumstances are different now. Maybe I was supposed to meet my father in the strange way I did. The discovery that I’m the human king’s biological daughter is shocking, but perhaps that was how it was meant to happen.
But now? What am I supposed to do to keep everyone and everything I care about safe?
My biggest concern iswhereto go. I can’t return to the mortal realm. King Magnus will use the situation as an excuse to attack my father. But where could I go in Elfhame that will be safe? Where will I minimize the conflict between the two realms? I wonder if it’s possible to return to my former life with my keeper, Merlara. Or should I travel to a distant Elven kingdom and find some kind elf to serve there? But not to mate. No, I can’t imagine mating with anyone besides these three elves.
Oakes wakes first and whispers in my ear, “Nervous about our meeting with the mage?”
“A bit.” I nuzzle into the healer’s chest, despite knowing I should create more distance. “I’m more nervous about what happens after that.”
“One moment at a time.” Oakes brushes my long brown hair from my face, gives me a kiss on the mouth, and a playful tap on the nose.
The other two wake and give me a reassuring squeeze.
“We will figure out what to do,” Jaden says, as his sleepy, loving gaze crumbles any walls I’ve been trying to build around my heart. “Together.”
“And together, we’ll figure out how to maintain peace between our realms,” Eldrin adds as he presses a kiss to my temple.