Page 6 of Chaos Tempted

The guard’s face drains of color. “Yes, sir.” He shuts the door and stands in front of it.

“Come, Baelen,” I say to our escort guard as I head toward Eldrin’s meeting chambers with Wyn in tow.

Tears fill her eyes. “Why would someone do that?”

I study her face as I hurry down the corridor, determining that she can handle the truth. “It’s a threat.”

Wyn stops and pulls on my hand for me to do the same. “I need to leave the castle. Perhaps the king isn’t directly behind this because of the blood oath, but someone is doing his bidding without him having to ask. They might even hurt one of you. Let me go now before we get Eldrin involved.”

I frame her face with my hands, kiss her forehead, and quietly state, “No.”

“No?” Wyn narrows her eyes, fire returning instead of fear. “Are you not getting the message?”

“Oh, I got the message, and I’m going to fight for you.” My hands drop to her shoulders, bracing her. “And I hope you will be the fighter that I know you are.”

“Why should we fight this?” Wyn asks. “Just so we can mate bond?”

“It’smorethan mating, Wyn. We need to keep you safe beyond the castle walls. They won’t let you leave and live your life. They’ll come after you. We must make our stand here and now and take them down.” I sigh, hating to make her feel there is no way out. I must explain how important her life is to the balance of the realms, but it isn’t my place to say, not on my own. “We’ll talk with Eldrin and Oakes about the threat before deciding what to do next.”

Wyn huffs but allows me to lead her down the hallway.

Two guards, Corwin and an elf I know by face only, stand in front of a large door. They acknowledge us as we approach.

“I need to speak to Prince Eldrin and Oakes. Please tell them it’s urgent.”

Corwin quickly slips inside the meeting chambers. A moment later, Eldrin and Oakes exit, looking anxious.

“What’s the matter?” Eldrin demands as his worried eyes search Wyn to make sure she’s alright.

Oakes reaches out to hold Wyn’s hand. “I sensed you were frightened.”

She clasps his hand, fortunately accepting his comfort, but doesn’t describe the bloody scene.

I guide Eldrin, Oakes, and Wyn down the hall where we won’t be overheard. “Someone broke into Wyn’s room and splattered fresh blood everywhere.”

“Was there a body?” Oakes asks.

“Whose blood?” Eldrin asks at the same moment.

“It smelled like it might be from a human.” I frown. “Though, with that amount of blood, I don’t see how they could still be alive.

“What?Wyn’s knees buckle with the thought.

Oakes catches her and holds her close.

She wraps her arms around his waist. “Jaden, you didn’t say that before.”

“I’m uncertainof the blood’s origins. There was too much contamination to detect anything properly.” I shake my head. “Regardless, we should assume thisisa threat to Wyn’s life.”

Prince Eldrin tightens his jaw. At his sides, his fists pump with anger. “The guard saw nothing?”

“No.” I run my fingers through my hair, wondering how someone could accomplish this feat with no one noticing. “When we discovered it, my regular guard on duty said he didn’t recognize the new guard who had been standing watch before him. Most likely, that’s the individual who did the deed. I intend to work out a plan with Corwin immediately to discover who it was.”

Prince Eldrin’s gaze lands on Wyn. “You’re staying with one of us from now on.”

“No. I shouldleavethe castle,” Wyn says. The words stab like ice daggers in my heart.

“That isn’t an option,” Oakes argues, but with compassion in his voice. “We will keep our appointment with the mage and ask her for advice, just as we had planned on doing.”