I spin and glower at my father. I want to scream at him to stop this madness. But I worry that going into a rage will only feed into the emotions and magic that still weigh heavily in the room.
Taking a breath and trying to create an energy of calm and project it to influence him, I say, “Please, reconsider.”
King Nathaniel snaps his head up to look at me, his expression unreadable. “I’m not an unreasonable man. The prince was hostile toward Twyla. I cannot allow that behavior in my castle. I’ve already lost my people’s confidence after your abduction.” His eyes reflect how dangerous he can be. “Why did you come here and cause more strife?”
“Are you upset with me?” I step back, holding my hands to my stomach. I’m ready to retch at the turn of events.
“Father,” Twyla interrupts. “I believe Wynstelle needs some time to see clearly. She must be exhausted since she only just recovered from being mentally attacked by a spell. Besides, it wasn’t Wynstelle who came here and accused me of hurting her. Would it be alright if I take her to my quarters so she can rest and heal?”
“Yes. That would be best.” He waves his hand dismissively, then rubs his temples as if he’s fighting a murderous headache. “Go. I would like to be alone.” He leans his elbows on the impressive oak desk and holds his temples as the two of us leave the room.
Twyla painfully grips my arm as she practically drags me down the wide corridors to her bedchamber. The king’s guards trail behind us.
I try to wrestle my arm away, but the changeling’s superior strength prevents me from doing so.
“Keep quiet until we get to my rooms,” Twyla hisses, then she jerks me into her quarters. After slamming her door closed, Twyla releases me with a shove and crosses the room as if she can’t stand being near me.
“Didyou use your psychic sense to attack me?” I snarl.
Twyla paces the room, barely acknowledging my presence. She ignores my question and asks, “What just happened in there?”
“What?” I shake my head in confusion. “You meanyoudidn’t do that?”
“Do what?” Twyla charges up to me, getting right up into my face and glaring. “Youknowwhat happened?”
“The emotions? The influencing?” I toss my arms in the air. “That must have been all you.”
“Influencermagic… of course.” Twyla spins away from me and paces again. “But who used that power?”
“Are you sayingnoneof this is you?” I ask skeptically.
“I don’t have that kind of power.” Twyla watches for my reaction. “But how do you know about it? You have seen this kind of magic recently?”
“I have,” I admit and then bite my tongue. How much should I confess? It’s better to find out what Twyla knows before divulging my own secrets. “What about the spell on my mind this morning? Do you know anything about that?”
“Why would I hurt you?” Twyla stops pacing and frowns, looking at me as if I’m dense. “I saved your life, remember? I gifted youmyextended life span. What would be the point in attacking you now?”
“Then why did I have visions of you?” If the changeling trusts me, she might confess. I focus on the influencer magic I accessed before, calling forth the emotion of safety and projecting it all around her. Once the spell releases into the room, I state, matter-of-factly, “You were upset about making a big decision.”
“About picking a husband.” Twyla sighs. “There has been a lot of pressure since you left for me to choose someone. Especially from Rhys. I’m far past the customary marrying age.”
“Oh. I forget the human realm is so concerned with early marriages.” I sit down heavily in a chair, exhaustion catching up with me.
“So…” Twyla crosses her arms and studies me. “Your mind went straight to accusing me of attacking you and plotting against my father?”
“Well,” I say with irritation. “Someoneisattacking me and plotting a war. I didn’t want to believe it was you, but it makes sense that you were probably planted here to spy and manipulate the king.”
Twyla is still for a long moment, then nods slowly. “I understand your conclusion. I don’t like it, but I would probably worry about the same thing.”
I still wonder about Twyla’s loyalties—the changeling isn’t cleared of guilt yet. Curious about how far the plotting goes, I ask, “About the visions… how much have you seen in my life?”
Turning away, Twyla’s lips purses with guilt. “I sensed when you mate bonded.”
I blush, thinking about the intimate acts of my mate bonding.
“I wasn’t trying to invade your privacy.” Twyla joins me by sitting in a nearby chair. “I mostly just sensed the strong emotional connection between you and your mates. Which perhaps isn’t any less of a transgression.”
“So, you really aren’t trying to harm me or my—” I pause, realizing that I need to remain cautious about mentioning my real father even behind closed doors. “King Nathaniel?”