Page 55 of Chaos Tempted

Am I dead?

The trip back to Merlara’s house seems much shorter than it had been traveling away from it. But I’ve read about that phenomenon while traveling.

The night grows dark as I approach the house, and I’m surprised the candles aren’t burning inside. Merlara used to always have one candle lit throughout the night by the front window. By the glow of the moon, I can see the chimney, but there’s no smoke coming out, which means no fire in the hearth. For this chilly evening, that’s another thing to count as peculiar.

I knock on the door, realizing it’s the appropriate thing to do. I don’t wish to scare my former keeper by barging in unannounced. What if Merlara attacks before she recognizes me? With no light inside, she might not know it’s her former servant.

No answers my knocking.

“Merlara?” I call through the closed door. No answer. Then I try the handle. Locked.

My heart pounds in time with my heavy, quickening knocks on the door. Has something happened to my Elven keeper? Or is she simply traveling to sell her wares?

From behind, a sharp blade presses against my neck. There’s a tug on my hair, keeping me in place—my neck arches back and vulnerable.

A full body shiver races through me as I have a horrid flashback to when the man cut my throat and almost killed me.

“What do you want?” a female hisses.

“Merlara, it’s me!” I cry, recognizing my keeper’s voice.

“I know!” Merlara snaps. “Whatare you doing here?”

“I just woke up, alone on the road. I don’t know how I got there. I think I’m in trouble.”

“You are trouble, alright,” Merlara growls and shoves me away from the house. “Leave me be.”

I stumble and fall to the ground. Looking up at my Elven keeper, I can’t believe the hate radiating off her. “What’s wrong? I don’t understand why you’re acting like this. You know I didn’t want to leave you.”

“I never wanted you,” Merlara sneers. “All these years cursed with your presence. I’m finally free of you, and you come back to bring memoreruin? That’s all you do. Bringdeathin your wake. My mate died because of you.” It’s as if venom drips from her sharp canines as she spit out the words that pierce my heart.

“How did Roul die because of me? I thought he died fighting mortals who clung to the notion of continuing the war?”

“Ha! Lies!” Merlara shouts. “And your father? Well, you weren’t even a sickling. He just didn’t want your cursed soul anymore. Magnus burdened me with you for all these years.” Merlara kicks dirt at me while I sit on the ground in shock, unable to move. “Then you come of age, and thefuckingprincewanted to have some fun… To use your body, break your heart, and destroy your mind. Seems like your mind is destroyed already.” Merlara sighs as if she were suddenly lighter. “I was so relieved to be done with you! Those fake mates of yours will finish you soon enough.”

“This can’t be!” I grab at my chest, where my heart threatens to crumble under Merlara’s hatred.

“And now your blood has started another war.” Merlara leans down to emphasize her point. “This time, it will go on forever until it kills everyone.”

“No!” I cry, refusing to believe my mates would allow that to happen. “We are going to stop it!”

“The prince kept you from the truth.” Merlara cackles. “He has already started the war by killing your father. Now, you crawl back here after they dispose of you? No. I won’t have it. Go, before I slice you open myself.”

From the look in her eye, I have no doubt Merlara will do it. I jump up and run as fast as my mortal legs can take me.

I don’t know where to go until I think of my safe haven—the faerie circle.

Falling into the circle, I wait for the little ones to arrive. They’ve always shown up moments after my arrival, sensing a presence in their sacred spot.

No one appears—which makes no sense.

I wonder,what if their affection for me is all a lie too?

Gazing up at the stars, I finally let my tears cascade down my face. My body shudders with my sobs.

My whole life has been a lie.

My mates abandoned me on the side of the road like trash. Then the closest person I have to a mother told me I’m nothing but a curse.