After leaving the mage temple, we quickly gather supplies and our four escort guards ride with us toward the portal. There’s a chill in the air, and we all wear our heavy cloaks, knowing it will be even colder in the mortal realm. But here in Elfhame, the greenery still hasn’t yet fully transitioned to its somber winter state.
The flower faerie, Lalo, flutters over to Oakes and the unresponsive Wyn.
When Wynstelle only stares into the distance and doesn’t greet her, Lalo asks, almost to herself, “Where is my friend?”
“We are going to find out,” I say, glancing at Wyn, then back to the faerie.
“Your Highness!” Lalo startles and dips her head as she’s just then realized I’m in the group. In an apologetic voice, she says, “I sense her spirit is far away—too far.”
I grimace with the little one’s assessment and wave the faerie closer. “Yes. We’ve noticed too. Please keep this to yourself for now. We don’t want any elves to take advantage of her weakness.”
“Oh, yes, yes. I will stay quiet. Very quiet!” Lalo’s eyes are wide. “Wait! I have something to help!” The faerie flies off toward the castle and then zips back to Oakes and Wyn. She flies slower upon her return, holding a small crystal with a line of black tourmaline running through it. The rock is huge in her tiny hands. “This spirit crystal might call back her soul. Keep it close to her body.”
“Thank you, Lalo.” Oakes tucks the smooth stone into the back of Wyn’s bodice. “I will make sure of it.”
The faerie nods solemnly. “I wish I could do more.”
“You have done more than your share,” I say. “I appreciate everything you have contributed to Wyn’s well-being.”
With a last worried glance at Wyn, Lalo bows midair and flies away.
The sun is at its zenith when we arrive at the portal. Jaden jumps down from his mount, whispers the opening chant, and waves his hand over the portal entrance. Our nerves are rattled as we wait for it to open. On the other side, two human guards jump and yelp in shock, then awkwardly fumble with their weapons to arm themselves.
“Sorry for the surprise. I suppose you weren’t expecting visitors so soon.” Jaden smiles to reassure them of his friendly intent. “Princess Wynstelle wishes to visit with her uncle, King Nathaniel.”
The portal’s guards glance at each other. “Uh, yes. Just a moment. We need to signal that the portal has been opened. Then an escort from the nearest village will be on their way soon to take you to the king.”
“Of course.” Jaden nods. “It’s only the eight of us. Should we wait on our side and check back later or come through now?”
The guards peer through the portal and don’t see any others lying in wait. “I guess you can come through after we light our signal fire.”
The human soldiers light the fire, and within seconds, the billowing smoke is high in the air. We see in the distance an answer with the villager’s fire.
The guards wave at us to enter the mortal realm.
It doesn’t take long before we hear galloping horses approaching with Commander Rhys in the lead. Princess Twyla’s suitor is not the man I’d hoped to see. The red-headed male will probably side with his potential mate, the secret changeling princess. He’s also smart and curious enough to see something is wrong.
With my fear for Wyn tearing at my heart, I spitefully contemplate creating chaos for the entire mortal realm by disclosing the secret of Twyla’s changeling origins. Realizing that the upheaval won’t be in line with my goal of stopping a war, I bite my tongue. Besides, Wyn wouldn’t forgive me for such a vengeful tactic.
“Prince Eldrin!” Rhys calls out in surprise. Then he catches sight of Wyn as she stares into the ethers. “Princess Wynstelle,” he says in a softer voice, keenly perceiving something is off.
Preempting any unwanted question, I nudge my horse forward to draw Rhys’ attention. “Princess Wynstelle would like an audience with King Nathaniel and Princess Twyla as soon as possible.”
Rhys nods absently, his eyes locked onto Wyn. I tighten my jaw as I observe the commander while he studies her strange demeanor for a long, agitating moment.
“Princess Wynstelle, is everything alright?” Rhys asks quietly.
“Yes,” Wyn says automatically.
Pleased with her timely response, I inch closer to Rhys with another nudge to my horse. I whisper, not wanting the other soldiers to hear, “Wynstelle is not feeling quite herself, could we hurry to our destination?”
“Yes, of course.” Rhys shakes off his curiosity and waves his hand to his entourage. “To the king!”
Ten of his mounted soldiers are visible, but I sense more soldiers are hiding in the forest, monitoring the portal. The humans aren’t entirely trusting, and that’s smart on their part. King Magnus might invade the mortal realm at any moment.