Page 44 of Chaos Tempted

Eldrin catches the look of concern. “I won’t be upset with your honest answer. I know many do not approve of my choice in a mate.”

“I… I misspoke,” Hyacinth recants.

“It’s alright,” I encourage. “I won’t be upset either.”

Hyacinth hangs her head down and sets the gowns to the side. “There were rumors you used a spell on the prince. Some said you were rude and entitled. But recently, I’ve heard stories about the flower faeries helping you. I thought you must havetricked them, too. Except now, meeting you, I can sense with my limited power you aren’t evil or manipulative at all. You appear to be kind and humble.”

Miriel speaks up next. “Seeing you with unbiased eyes, I can see the beauty you possess. Not like elves, but still captivating.”

“Wynstelle has her own glorious beauty.” Eldrin smiles at the two females to reassure them he isn’t angry. “She won the faeries’ favor as a child in her village and has maintained a close friendship with them. They even let her into their private grove.”

The females raise their eyebrows in surprise.

“Yes,” Eldrin continues. “And here, Wynstelle convinced me to allow the faeries into the gardens without punishment. Then the faeries assisted in Wyn’s rescue, leading us on her trail. Wyn only wants the best for Elves and all the species in our realm.”

Oakes chimes in, “I witnessed a bear sense her kind heart and rescue her from a ghoul attack.”

“A bear?” Miriel squeaks.

Hyacinth looks at me. “I’ve heard about the ghoul attacks on humans. Do you even wish the best forthem?”

“I don’t want anyone harmed,” I force myself to say, remembering they were under a spell.

I sense through our bond Eldrin realizes it’s best if others are aware of the plot for war. Perhaps it will turn the tide if the entire population knows the truth about the manipulations. “There is evidence that the ghoul attacks were not of their own making. Someone has been creating tension between our species to start another realm war.”

“We thought that might be the case. It was so odd for ghouls to attack living beings.” Miriel shakes her head. “But why? We lost so many good elves in the last war. My brother was one of them.” She glances at me. “And the humans… the number they lost was even greater.”

Oakes stands next to Eldrin. “That is why the prince wants Wynstelle as an ambassador. So the leaders will get to know her. Then they will see that humans can be kind and intelligent.”

Hyacinth nods and turns to me. “Then we need to finish getting you ready for your announcement.”




Although I protest leaving Wyn behind, Oakes and I walk into the throne room to greet and prepare for Wyn’s ambassador ceremony. Several high-ranking elves from other kingdoms are in attendance, as well as several nobles from Ryven Court.

I can feel Wyn’s nervousness as she waits with Jaden in a small adjoining room to make their dramatic entrance.

“King Magnus will not be attending,” a king’s guard informs me. He says this louder than necessary, making me all the more certain he’s been ordered to make a show of it.

Although his refusal to appear is a slight against Wyn, I’m somewhat relieved by the news. I take a deep breath and turn to Oakes. “I should have expected that he wouldn’t acknowledge her new status.”

Oakes places a hand on my shoulder to further calm me. “We have several other delegates present. And their minds still read positively to my senses.”

“That is some good news.” I smile. Then, seeing everyone else is in attendance, I take my position in front of my throne.

My father’s gaudy chair is glaringly empty, and many eyes dart to the vacancy. I glance around the room and note my father’s second-in-command, Turgon, is behind the crowd, hidden in the shadows against the far wall. The commander glares at me, but otherwise stays unobtrusively out of the way.

“We have gathered today, so I may make an announcement. As most of you know, I have taken a mate, Wynstelle, a human princess. She was a sickling infant cured by fae magic and raised by elves.”

Wynstelle and Jaden enter and all eyes fall upon them. Wyn resists the urge to squirm while Jaden escorts her to the step in front of me.

Although she does her best to hide it from showing on her face, I can feel her angst through our bond. She doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention, especially when this act is potentially and likely antagonistic to the Elven community.

“Wynstelle of House Ryven, will you take the responsibility of ambassadorship for the human realm in our kingdom of Ryven?”