Page 35 of Chaos Tempted

Eldrin’s blue eyes ice over. “Don’t listen to his insults.”

“He isn’t the only one who sees me as less than.” I pick imaginary lint from my skirt.

“We are the only ones who count,” Jaden says as he kneels in front of me, capturing my attention. “And you are ourGoddess.”

I fall forward out of the chair and wrap my arms around Jaden’s shoulders. “Thank you.”

Eldrin steps up to me as I nestle my head on Jaden’s shoulder. He leans down and kisses the top of my head. “I only want to elevate you to an ambassador, so elves will see humans in a more favorable way. Then you will have a court position to protect you as well.”

“And you want me to use my new power of influence on them?” I wince at the thought of manipulating others.

“If you feel uncomfortable doing so?” Eldrin strokes my hair, tucking it behind my rounded ears. “Then no. I don’t want you to compromise your values.”

I lean into his touch. “It feels like cheating to influence others.”

“And you don’tneedto cheat,” Eldrin agrees. “If you were able to win over the flower fairies, and even a bear, then you can change the hearts of the elves.”

I blush.

“But influence, whether it be by using your words or magical energy, is not inherently negative,” Oakes adds. “Think of crafting your blades… you sculpt andmanipulatethe metal to become something valuable and beautiful.”

His explanation makes sense in that context. “I suppose you make a good point. I will think about it.”

Eldrin clears his throat nervously. I snap my gaze up to him, since he usually isn’t so awkward.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, holding onto his hand.

“Nothing. I was just wondering if you would all be alright with alternating nights alone with us. I’d like to spend some quiet time with only you, Wyn.” Eldrin’s eyes plead with me.

Jaden squeezes my knee. “As long as I get you alone tomorrow night.”

I chuckle.

Oakes raises his eyebrow as he looks at me. “Sounds like I’m third in line. How does that sound to you, Wyn?”

“It might be nice for a change.” I shrug. “Although, sometimes, I would like us to be all together.”

“You just ask, and we will accommodate you.” Eldrin clasps his other hand over mine.

“You’ll be spending the next couple of days with me, learning ambassador etiquette and psychic blocking.” Oakes smirks as I grumble. “I will try to keep it fun,” he promises.

“Fun and etiquette don’t belong in the same sentence.” Eldrin laughs.

The sound of his mirth sends a thrill down my spine.




After a long, dreary day of searching through books for something to help us understand Wyn’s magic and changeling mark, I’m finally gifted my time alone with my lovely mate. With the threat lingering in the backs of our minds, I want to offer a pleasing distraction.

I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Well, I know why. I’m afraid I’ll mess this up. I haven’t had much time with Wyn on my own. Our relationship is still new and, more importantly, I’m still learning how to be a better elf.

The four of us enjoyed a relaxing dinner and drinks and I clear my throat. “Um, Wyn, would you like to retire to my quarters now?”

My sweet mate gives me a sexy smirk. “I believe I would.”