After breakfast, Jaden and Eldrin head off to their meeting.
As we watch them walk away toward the main wing of the castle, Wyn asks, “Who are they meeting with today?”
“With the visiting diplomats from the southern Elven Kingdom of Areth. Eldrin and I decided that the best approach to stop the impending war is to secure his own alliances with neighboring kingdoms. No matter what happens with Magnus and the war, this is a smart move for him. Who knows how soon he may take the throne? He hasn’t made many strides before now in developing his own relationships with the other Elven kingdoms.”
“Do you really believe he can make allies with the other kingdoms?” she asks. “Won’t they feel he’s being divisive against his father?”
“We’ve made progress already in the last few days,” I explain.
“Why wouldn’t they agree to support a war?”
“Half of the twelve kingdoms are weaker than Ryven, suffering from their own issues. They can’t afford to get caught up in it, and we need all the support we can get to pressure Magnus not to start one.” I sigh wearily. “However, we fear that the stronger kingdoms may be on Magnus’ side and won’t mind wiping out mortals permanently.”
Wyn shudders at the thought of her kind gone forever.
“To be fair, humans are a threat to our life, but there are other ways to mitigate the damage. The last war only weakened Ryven when we were once easily the most powerful Elven kingdom. We lost too many valuable and honorable elves. I suspect Magnus believes he will regain his power if he can win a war now. But I know the loss will be too great no matter what he believes he will gain.”
“So we need to make sure my father and the other mortal kings don’t allow humans to inhabit the lands that elves claim for their realm.”
“Yes, the drain on the land from both realms is too great and the ecosystems in both realms could collapse.” I shiver with the memory of seeing great deserts where once there were only lush and thriving cities.
Wyn’s hand slips into mine, sensing my unease. To have her so freely touch me makes my heart sing.
I return to the original subject. “The prince has a long road ahead of him since he hasn’t paid much attention to politics before. Besides that obstacle, his lesser status as a prince doesn’t hold much weight since his father is still hale and strong, with possibly a few centuries left to rule. However, Eldrin drops subtle hints to his potential allies that he will dowhateverit takes to keep the peace.”
But no matter how much he despises his father, I know Eldrin hopes it won’t come to challenging him to a battle to the death.
“Shouldn’t you be with him today?” Wyn stops walking and looks back in the direction he has gone. “You are his political advisor, after all.”
“Eldrin will be fine with Jaden by his side during the meeting. Jaden has family in Areth. He will be a proper substitute for my diplomatic skills today.”
She seems placated by that answer, but I feel her worrying over Eldrin’s dangerous political gambling.
Instead of returning to Eldrin’s quarters, I lead Wyn to my private chambers. She has never been there before, and I’m nervously curious about what Wyn will think about my space.
“Welcome to my quarters,” I say with a wide grin as I open the door.
Wyn gasps. Her eyes light up, just as I expected them to. I heard she was impressed with Jaden’s small collection of books. Her mouth drops open, amazed by the sheer number of books I have collected over the years.
My suite is spacious and mostly filled with bookcases that line the walls from floor to ceiling. Bookcases even extend perpendicular from the wall, creating little aisles. Wyn bounces on the balls of her feet as she realizes I have a full-fledged library. Her eyes pause when she sees the door that leads to my bedroom and bathing ensuite.
“I love it!” Wyn squeals. Hopping and skipping around the room, she moves too fast to read any titles. “How many books?”
“I lost count years ago. I borrow and lend too many to keep track.”
Wyn says with a fake pout. “You held out on me!”
“I would have brought you here immediately when I discovered your interest in books, but if you remember, Eldrin was stingy and jealous of you before.”
“I remember you didn’t want to get too close yourself.” She cocks her head defiantly.
My heart aches with regret from my own actions with Wyn. I fold my arms across my broad chest, feeling a bit ashamed of my behavior. “That’s true. I regret trying to distance myself before. But I was afraid of what I was feeling. It was so strong, and I thought you would never want us. That Eldrin would never allow me a chance to win your heart.”