As we hurry down the stairwell, I whisper. “Now what?”
“Keys. Unlock. Run,” Rhys states succinctly.
“You make it sound so simple.”
“I hope so.” Rhys smiles at me, and his grin makes me believe it might just work.
As we near the dungeon, we both move silently, light on our toes. Peering into the dungeon’s entrance, there is only one guard, and he’s asleep in a wooden chair. I almost exhale with relief, but realize something has to be done about him. He won’t just remain asleep and let us walk out with all the prisoners.
Rhys sneaks up to him, quiet as death, and uses the pommel of his sword to knock the man fully unconscious. The guardslumps to the floor. Rhys searches the man’s belt, unlatches the keys, and opens Eldrin’s door. Then Oakes’ cell. After peering into each room, he unlocks all the Elven cells.
I rush into Eldrin’s cell and briefly touch his face before falling to my knees next to Jaden’s body. “Why is he so far gone?”
“He’s more sensitive than the rest of us.” Eldrin holds up his hands for Rhys to unlock the iron shackles that are slowly killing him.
After unshackling Eldrin, Rhys removes Jaden’s binds. Looking at Jaden’s large, muscular frame, he asks, “Do you think he will be able to walk soon? I don’t think I can carry him, and your guards look too weak.”
Unsure, Eldrin shakes his head and says quietly, “Oakes?”
Rhys nods to the key ring. “I will get him and the rest of them freed from the irons.”
“Thank you.”
“Jaden?” I call. “Wake up now. We are going home.”
With Rhys’ help, Oakes shuffles into the cell. Rhys rushes off to help the others. My healer mate squats down beside me. He looks a little better than the rest, but not by much.
I figure he must be drawing on his healing magic reserves, yet he still reaches out to heal Eldrin and Jaden.
I grasp his hand to stop him. “You aren’t well yourself. Won’t this hurt you?”
“I don’t think so. My magic pulls from the ethers, not from me.” Oakes places his hand on Jaden’s forehead.
Then I wonder, if I really have mirror magic, can I mimic Oakes’ healing energy and help? I think about the sensation of Oakes’ power and how it feels on the receiving end. A buzzing sensation fills me, and I place my palm on Oakes’ shoulder, hoping to amplify his energy and strength.
Oakes jerks his head to look at me. “How did you?—”
I give him a warning glance and look meaningfully toward Rhys, who is returning with our Elven guards.
Oakes nods with my reminder to keep my powers hidden for now. I don’t know how much we can trust Rhys with yet, especially with the dangerous knowledge of my magic. At some point, he might suspect me of betraying the king. The less he knows, the better.
The four Elven guards stagger into Eldrin’s cell.
“What now, my prince?” Corwin asks.
“We need to drag the unconscious guard into a cell and gag him,” Rhys answers for him. “Then we get you safely out of the mortal realm.”
“There are ghouls in the mortal realm, attacking villagers,” I add, so they know the chaos we are going to encounter.
“But the portal is heavily guarded.” Eldrin’s muscles coil for action, finding some energy in the unexpected turn of events, though he still struggles to get to his feet. Through our bond, I know he’s trying with everything he has left to rally his strength for our escape—to protect me—all of us.
With my hand on Oakes’ back, I channel as much healing energy as I can into Oakes so he can give it to Eldrin and Jaden.
“They must have come through another portal,” Rhys guesses.
I notice Eldrin frowning, but he says nothing, even though it’s clear there’s something on his mind.
“We need to go,” Rhys’ voice is strained. “What should we do with Jaden?”