Page 19 of Chaos Tempted

I’m at dinner with my father, King Nathaniel, Lord Jonathon, and Lady Carissa. This isn’t an appropriate time to feel the intense sexual experience that Wyn is currently having. I blush and glance around the room to see if anyone notices my odd reaction. No one seems to pay attention, thank goodness.

Then my changeling mark begins to burn, and I flinch with the sharp pain.

“Please excuse me,” I ask permission from King Nathaniel.

“Is everything alright?” my adoptive father asks.

“Of course.” I smile with a tired look. “It has been an eventful day, and I need some rest.” I say to the lord and lady, “I’m sorry. I don’t seem to have had enough rest last night with the excitement of your visit.”

“You look exhausted suddenly,” Lady Carissa says with concern.

“Go rest. We have another busy day tomorrow,” King Nathaniel pats my hand.

I hurry to my bed-chamber to experience Wyn’s mate bonding ritual in private. Ironically, Wyn doesn’t know that she isn’t alone.

I chuckle wryly. “Well, I suppose youaren’talone with three males making love to you at the same time.”

I gasp at the sensation of Wyn’s mind-bending orgasms and try to control my own breathing.

Every touch resonates over the lands and through the veil of the realms. I take to my bed and try to relax. I have no choice but to allow the pleasurable sensations to wash over me and let them go. I can’t distinguish every touch, every detail, but the overall stimuli come through our link. With each of Wyn’s orgasms, I feel my own body responding, and I wonder if I will ever experience something so powerful with a male of my own. Will Wyn feel the echo if I do? Or is our link essentially one way?

The Mage Weaver never warned me that a bonding ritual could cause Wyn’s extreme emotions to overwhelm my senses. If I ever see the mage, I will chastise her for keeping that from me.

A pressure increases around my mind, and my mark sizzles. Then I feel another presence in my consciousness… and another… and another.

Wyn has mate bonded with all three elves.

Most significantly, one of them is the Elven Prince.

Then the burning sensation mostly subsides.

“They’ve claimed her,” I whisper to myself, feeling so alone yet crowded in my bed. “All of them. Completely.”

The mating ritual is over. I collapse into a strange sleep, still feeling the tingling sensation of love that Wyn and her elves share.

When I wake the next morning, I sense the link with Wyn and her males has solidified. I can clearly sense the Elven Prince. Oakes and Jaden also hover in the back of my consciousness. They are all bonded spiritually and physically with Wyn. And unwittingly… with me.

I’m conflicted about what I’ve done to make this happen. From what I understood from the mage, this bonding is part of the grand master plan, but I no longer want to be a part of it.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock and my maid calls through the door, her voice sounding concerned, “Princess Twyla, would you like me to help you get ready for the day?”

Uncharacteristically, I have locked my bedchamber door. I sigh wearily. “Yes, just a moment!” I hurry over to the door and unlock it.

Nannette suppresses a frown as she looks me up and down for my ailment. “Is everything alright? I heard you ran from the dinner table last night.” She enters and begins prepping my clothes for the day.

“I was feeling under the weather.” I tell her, avoiding eye contact. “I’m fine now.”

“Well…” Nannette inspects my face, just as a mother might care for their child. “You have a glow about you. So I suppose you must be feelingmuchbetter.” Nannette raises a questioning eyebrow.

I laugh. My personal maid is only a few years older and a friend in many ways. We often trade stories and compare notes on the men in the kingdom. “Nothing like that.”

“Likewhat?” Nannette asks innocently.

“I had a pleasantdreamlast night. Afterward, I felt better.” I sit at my vanity and idly pick up a hand mirror to see the glow for myself.

“Was it about that strapping redhead?” Nannette giggles and begins to brush my long golden-brown hair.

“Commander Rhys? No. You know I don’t see him as a potential husband.” Ican’tsee him as a mate. My orders from the Mage say I must wait until the plan with Wyn is complete. Besides, if I allow him to get too close, he’s likely to suspect something is off about me.