Page 71 of Between Realms


“Hisbetrothed, Princess Alcina.”




“His betrothed?I didn’t know he was promised to anyone… and to Princess Alcina, of all elves? From what Merlara said, Ryven has a tentative alliance with her kingdom.” I pace the room. “Oh, no. But… but… why would she be upset with me? The prince has had sex withthousandsof females, right? Isn’t that what you elves do before you mate for life?”

“Yes. Eldrin has been with manyelves.” Oakes emphasizes the word elves. “I would hardly count them in the thousands. And yes, Alcina has many sexual partners herself.”

“Oh, it’s because I’m human.” My shoulders curl in on themselves, and the hot sting of tears burn down my face. “She thinks I’mcontaminatingEldrin?”

“Come here.” Oakes opens his arms, and I crumple into his embrace.

His massive arms wrapped around me make me feel so tiny and insignificant. Perhaps I can just shrink so small I can disappear.

I need Oakes’ healing right now. Just as I think this, I feel his magic pouring into my body, into my heart. His electric touch is so different from Eldrin’s sensuality or Jaden’s heat. My arms wrap around his waist, and he holds me tighter. Oakes soothes me with his large hand, cradling my head against his solid chest.

I have a moment of hope. If Oakes dares to be so close, maybe my strange mark isn’t a curse.

“Alcina’s bias toward humans isn’t personal,” Oakes explains.

“I never quite fit in Elfhame. And now, my kind is being hunted here.” Goddess, I can hear the grief in my own voice. I’ve lost all hope in ever having a happy life. “Maybe Ishouldreturn to the mortal realm where I belong. Now, before she arrives.”

“Don’t leave, not yet. Keep your promise to the prince and stay until the ball.Thendecide where you want to go.” Oakes creates a bit of space between us by taking one step back. He gently wipes my tears away. “I won’t let any harm come to you. Jaden wants your safety, too. Eldrin can handle Alcina’s ire. Just be cautious of your actions in public.”

“I have been careful. I haven’t asked for any attention. None.” I shake my head, wondering what I could do to make this all go away. The only thing that comes to mind is to run. Run hard and fast right now. But there is nowhere to go. I can’t even return to the mortal realm on my own, and I’m no longer safe in Elfhame with whoever is behind the ghoul attacks still out there.

“I know you never asked for this. I’ll remind Eldrin he needs to pull back his attention on you until the ball is over and our guests are gone.”

“But there’s already tension between the two kingdoms. Upsetting Alcina might cause a kingdom-sized problem all over something as absurd as Eldrin’s odd interest inexploringa mortal.” I bury my face in Oakes’ chest, hiding the embarrassment that I thought I could belong somewhere for even a moment… that I could be someone Eldrin cared about. But I don’t belong with these elves.

“Well, um…” Oakes sounds uncomfortable now I’ve mentioned Eldrin exploring my body. He must think I’m pathetic on so many levels. Rightfully so, since I should have been brave that first meeting and allowed Eldrin to rut me. I could be with Merlara now if I had.

“You need to keep Eldrin at bay as best as you can.” Oakes strokes my hair, taming its wildness.

“How? The prince… Well, he’s theprince!”

“He told me he granted you your freedom.” Oakes raises his eyebrows knowingly.

“I’m beginning to think hegrantedmy freedom so that I would offer myself willingly, removing any guilt fortakingmy body under duress.” I huff. “Besides, he only freed me with the caveat that I stay for the ball. I stupidly promised him I would attend.”

Oakes slowly releases me and retreats to the chair by the table, refusing to look me in the eye. “Did you offer yourself last night?”

“Um, not exactly. Not completely.” My skin flushes warm, thinking of the release Eldrin gave me.

“Do youwantto share your body with him?” Oakes picks at the platter of fruits on the table.

“I have enjoyed what we have experienced so far. Maybe I should just let Eldrin take me whatever way he wants, get it over with, and then he won’t make me stay any longer.” I wring my hands. “But what if that’s the wrong decision? And why, in all that’s sacred, is this onmyshoulders?”

“Because Eldrin can’t bring himself to turn away from you. He’s not strong enough to resist temptation.”

“Why not?” I don’t understand his obsession and shake my head in confusion. “If I offer my body to him, he will probably let me go home. But what if he suffers because of his intimate involvement with me?”

“It’s more likely that you will suffer for his actions.” Oakes grits his teeth. “Your future is at risk more than his. His dalliances will be dismissed, even for one such as this, eventually.Youwill not fare so well.”