I have to summon all my training as a warrior to help me restrain myself from the urge to drop to my knees right there and kiss her.
Why does Eldrin get everything he wants?He’s the prince, idiot.
Wyn is so different from the last female that caught my attention. That was over twenty years ago. Eldrin caused his reckless damage then, too. However, no female has captured my heart the way Wyn already has. She is already more intriguing than anyone else I have known. Wyn is brave and smart—two things I insist upon in a mate. Even sheltered from the realm, she has learned to read and studies books. She isn’t completely ignorant to the world, just innocent. But my attraction is more than any of this, although even on its own would be enough for me.
When our eyes met in Crowland, I felt a pull to her soul.
Is it really possible to have a mate bond match… with a human? Whatever my consuming need to be with her is, I can’t ignore it, not for much longer.
“Time for dinner,” I say softly and hold my hand out to help Wyn to her feet.
“Already?” She rubs her eyes and stretches. Her plump breasts threaten to tumble out of the bodice.
Could I behave myself if they do? Of course, I can… if she doesn’twantto be groped. If she wants me to touch her, I will happily deal with Eldrin’s vengeance for the pleasure of bringing her pleasure. Perhaps she wouldn’t mind. Her sweet orange blossom scent that sometimes fills the air when I touch her suggests she finds me attractive, too.
Then I remind myself that she doesn’t have the choice to choose me. Wyn is correct. In many ways, she is Eldrin’s latest conquest. Until Eldrin is done with her, I can do very little to pursue her except to be a good friend, learn every detail about her, and do everything I can to keep the entitled prince from destroying her heart and soul.
Wyn notices my eyes have dropped to her chest, and she pulls at her bodice in an attempt to cover herself more and then blushes.
I avert my gaze. I must speak to Eldrin about proper attire for this precious woman. She isn’t comfortable in this revealing getup, and my pants are now consistently a size too small in front. I am sure the other male elves in the castle are also suffering from tight pants, but then they would likely pretend distaste for the woman. Sometimes I can’t stand my own kind.
Now, the royal courtiers who had been vying for Eldrin’s attention are irritated by his antics. They don’t appreciate being relegated as inferior to the prince’s latest pursuit, a mere mortal.
However, knowing her, I can see why he’s become obsessed. Oakes seems distracted by her presence too. If I have to fight for her attention, I will do it. I just hope she isn’t too upset with me for doing my job.
I hadn’t wanted to scare her with my questions about the dagger, but I had to know why she carried a weapon.
But the whole notion that human servants can’t carry a weapon to protect themselves is an overreaction to the war. They are vulnerable to attacks, as I witnessed in Crowland.
My mind swims back to her dagger demonstration. I loved the way she handled the blade with the skill of an expert. Her flashy moves rival my own skills. She must have practiced much more than her keeper asked of her ‘to only test a blade’s balance’, as she claims.
Now I am hard just thinking about her tiny hands gripping… the handle of my dagger. I take a deep breath to calm myself. Going into the dining hall with evidence of my arousal will set Eldrin off.
I offer my arm as we walk down the corridor to the prince’s dining room. Her mood has shifted after our embrace, and now she fills the air with notes of lavender—her scent for calm. For the first time since she arrived at the castle, Wyn seems to be finally relaxed. My chest fills with pride that I have made her feel safe and comfortable.
Then my pride turns to concern.
Will Eldrin use the shift to his advantage and hurt her in the end? WhatisEldrin’s game here? And why does the prince seem different since her arrival?
Has she really rattled Eldrin into considering his actions and behavior?
Perhaps Oakes senses the prince’s actual intent. I will ask what he thinks of Eldrin’s interest in Wyn.
Hopefully, from now on, Eldrin will be gentle with Wynstelle and leave her with a positive experience. If he doesn’t, I willneverforgive him. I’ll have centuries to hold on to my resentment.
I pause outside of the prince’s dining hall. I don’t want to share her company with the others.
How has she captured my attention so completely? Perhaps I’m not imagining the mate match.
Am I jealous of the time I watched Oakes spend with her on the road? Yes. I wish I am the one who can heal her.
I curse. I had only found Oakes in Crowland after the ghouls abducted her. If Eldrin had let me leave with Oakes as I had wanted to do, then she wouldn’t have almost died. I could have stopped the ghouls in the street.
The faint scars on her cheek remind me how Eldrin and Oakes have already put her at risk. But it also reminds me of how resilient she is.
Standing side by side before the dining hall’s threshold, Wyn does not know my inner turmoil as she smiles up at me. She squeezes my hand before she releases my grip and enters the hall.
My heart hammers in my chest. This woman thrills me to my core. She surprises me with every encounter—how she balances vulnerability and strength. Her instincts are better than she might realize since she let go of my hand before Eldrin witnessed our intimate moment.