Page 25 of Between Realms

“I want to know your body.”

I instinctively clutch my chest, but my rule-breaking spirit rises, along with the desperate craving that Oakes awakened. “But… we can’t.”

“We can’t?” The prince steps closer. His intensity is breathtaking.

My head spins. My breathing is frantic, and I begin to hyperventilate. Elves can easily kill me by simply holding me too tightly. Of course, I had fantasies of being with an elf just last night, but I know that it could never be.

Regardless, my body responds, excited by the idea of his magnificent, powerful hands on my body. Suddenly, there’s a throbbing ache between my thighs. If sex is anything like Oakes’ electric touch, I want it. I desire to be with a male.

“I wish to see your body.” The prince’s voice is commanding but somehow pleading. “Do you wish to refuse my offer?”

“CanI refuse?” I ask, but I don’t wait for an answer. “You just want toseemy body?”

“I want toexplorea female mortal’s body.” Prince Eldrin moves even closer.

I long to have his hands caressing me. I’m certain he only wants toseea human body—how we are made. But why the audience? I glance at Oakes and Jaden. Maybe they will touch me too? I’m excited by the idea, but also afraid it would all be too much.

Reading my expression, the prince says with a pointed look, “They are staying.”

Wringing my hands, I ask to confirm our deal. “If I agree to this, then I get to remain here in Elfhame with Merlara?”

The prince approaches until he’s only a stride away, eyes locked with mine. “If you are open to sharing a pleasurable experience with me, then you shall remain here.”

Something in his words strikes me as odd, but I can barely focus on anything other than his hypnotizing eyes and exquisitely masculine face. If there is an Elven trick in his deal, I don’t seem to care. My body yearns to be touched, craving it more than a starving woman craves a taste of bread.

I imagine his fingers skimming down my skin. I want the pleasure he offers.

I give my agreement with a nod.

“Say it,” the prince orders. When I hesitate, he adds gently, “I will not hurt you, sweet mortal. I expect you will enjoy our time very much. A mutually rewarding exchange, yes?”

Biting my lip, I think to myself, it’s just a body, and I do desire to be…explored. Elves think nothing of nudity or casual sex with their own kind. I rationalize he can’t possibly want anything more from me than to satisfy his curiosity about my body’s shape and feel.

Isn’t this what I wished for just last night—that I could experience the intimate touch of a male?

I dart my eyes over to check Oakes’ expression, but he gives me no urgent look of warning. He kept me alive and safe the last couple of days, and oddly, I still trust him. He wouldn’t allow me to be harmed now, would he? I hope not.

Even if this is a poor decision, I don’t have many options. I want the prince’s touch, and I wish to remain in Elfhame. This could be a positive experience that I will remember fondly as I grow old. I once had the attention of a powerful elf and returned to my home.

“I accept your terms.” I then add, “Your Highness.”

The prince’s chest rumbles with pleasure. “Good. Now, remove your clothing.”

My hands shake with nervous energy as I take off my shoes and pull my simple but silky dress over my head.

The tension in the room rises, and not just in my mind.

Oakes and Jaden quickly avert their gaze to the far side of the room, almost with their backs to me. Is this show of privacy for me or for the prince?

I stand in only my underpants since I hadn’t bothered with putting my blood-stained breast binding back on after my bath. My full, bare breasts peak and harden with the chill in the room. The throbbing ache between my legs increases as I’m revealed to him.

I pause as I gather my will to expose myself completely to drop my short braies.

With my thumbs ready to slip my underpants to the ground, the prince says, “Wait.”

My cheeks redden, essentially naked in front of three fully clothed elves. I press my thighs together to relieve the building pressure within my sex.

The prince quickly closes the distance and his covered chest brushes against my exposed breasts. The fabric is so finely made it feels softer than my flesh, making my nipples pebble further.