Page 14 of Between Realms

In response to the overheard request, I glance up as the new elf nods to Oakes.

His black hair falls forward and shadows his violet-color eyes. I find the combination jaw-dropping gorgeous, but I can barely register his striking appearance in my weakened condition.

The new male looks at me with trepidation, as if he were about to bound over to me and sweep me up into his arms to protect me. He wears a concerned look, as if my life means something to him, even though he doesn’t know me at all.

I quickly realize I must be imagining that silly fantasy. This is no time to develop another forbidden attraction to yet another Elven male.

However, both of the elves stare at me with inscrutable expressions. It doesn’t matter. I’m probably dying before I have a chance to figure out what they think about a strange, tiny mortal such as myself.

The dark-haired elf asks Oakes, “Do you want me to stay until she’s settled?”

“No.” Oakes shakes his head. “I can take care of her.”

My eyes glaze over, and my surroundings begin to fade. My vision narrows onto the two elves. I manage to hold my stomach to prevent all my blood from leaking out, but the moment I move, they will see how badly I’m injured. Will Oakes blame himself when I die? I hope not. He has been too kind.

The violet-eyed male peeks over Oakes’ shoulder and sees the blade still clutched in my hand. “Didsheslice that ghoul?”

If I had been more conscious, I would have tossed the weapon aside before they noticed it.

“Leave it be,” Oakes says to his gorgeous friend.

Reluctantly, the male walks away. His eyes lock on me until he disappears from the doorway.

Oakes hurries over and tucks my illegal blade into his pack. “I told you to stay next to me,” he says, more disquieted than angry.

Still dazed, I slump against the wall and just stare without responding to his admonishment. There’s no point. Everything will be irrelevant soon, anyway.

Blood trickles down my cheeks where my skin was broken by the ghoul’s claws. My fists are scraped from fighting back, and my palms are covered in my blood.

Kneeling at my side, Oakes leans in close to assess my injuries. “Wynstelle?”

My eyes wander until they perceive his face, and I flinch when I find him so close.

“Stars and stones.” His amber eyes flare with concern. “Where did they hit you?” He glances down at my tiny human body but restrains himself. His hand hovers over my injured cheek, as if he doesn’t want to break me further. “Goddess, I'm so sorry.”

“It’s not your fault.” I raise my hand slowly to touch my face, but he stops me before I reach my wound.

It’s then Oakes catches sight of the blood and damage to my gut. “Oh,Wynstelle.” He sounds gutted himself. “I will take you somewhere safe.Wyn?Stay with me.I’m going to carry you. All right?” He slings my bag over his shoulder, waiting for my response so I won’t resist.

“I can walk,” I mumble and shuffle my feet ineffectually over the ground. I collapse back against the wall.

“No. You can’t walk. Stop being obstinate.” He states, “I’m picking you up.”

“Fine. Be that way.” I curl into his powerful arms and chest as he carries me down the busy street.




“Wyn?” Oakes settles me onto a soft bed.

I rouse with the call of my name and reply with a crooked grin, “Are you trying to insult me?” My voice comes out hoarse from shouting earlier.

He smiles, but there’s no joy in it. “You weren’t answering to your full name.”

“Oh. Makes sense.”