Page 77 of Between Realms

With the closing of the door, I have a pang of regret for my knee-jerk reaction to his offer to be my keeper. Does he really want me, maybe for more than as a servant? But that seems so absurd. Besides, the way I feel about him, my attraction, will only make things difficult between us. He can never commit to me as a true mate does. Then my heart will break when I stay by his side, growing old and watching as he eventually finds the love of his life.

His words echo back to me:We will go wherever you want to go.It would be you who owns me.

Could he really care? Does he have romantic feelings for me?

Is he asking me to run away with him and hide away together? Would I consider it, even if society doesn’t allow our kind to mate?

Too soon, the reality that I’m meant to be alone hits me again. Eldrin, Oakes, and Jaden can’t be mine, no matter how much I crave them.




After Jaden leaves to gather his things, I head into my private washroom and splash water on my overheated face. I hear the door to my room open and close, and assume Jaden has returned to explain himself further.

Frustrated because I want more time alone to consider his offer to be my keeper, and that I have no lock or privacy, I storm out of my en suite bathing room to tell him just that.

Instead of the raven-hair Jaden, I discover a stranger—an unfamiliar Elven male. His dark, menacing eyes dart to me as I enter my bedchamber. Despite wearing a castle guard’s uniform, I don’t believe he’s here for my protection.

There’s not one drop of kindness in his eyes.

This intruder is a predator, and I am his prey. Of this, I have no doubt.

Fear trembles down my spine. At this very moment, I understand the stories of the Elven hunters and how their quarry often simply surrenders at the sight of them.

“What are you doing here?” I ask, knowing I won’t like the answer.

The elf crosses the room in a flash. His vise-like hands grip my throat and slam me against the wall. Instantly, my vision spins and blurs with the violent impact.

“Make a sound, and I will cut you down right now. Grab your things.”

All I can think about is the loss of my elves. Once this rogue guard drags me away, I know I will never see them again. This male will probably kill me after he takes me wherever he wishes to leave my corpse.

A tear cascades down my cheek, knowing that I want Eldrin, Jaden, and Oakes—despite the taboo and the fact I can only ever have them for a few pleasurable secret nights, hidden away in a bedroom.

The male squeezes my throat tighter, and then, with a shove, releases me.

I tumble toward the table, knocking over the food bowl.

I palm the paring knife. With a quick slice, I bleed a trickle of blood.

While I make a scene about getting my pack together, I smear a bit of blood onto the table. I need to let Jaden know I haven’t broken my promise to him and didn’t leave of my own free will. Although, does it matter? Will he care? Maybe it’s better if I’m ripped away without a trace before I make more of a mess of all their lives.

I slide the knife into my pocket, knowing there is little hope of overpowering this male with it.

The elf grabs my upper arm and drags me out of the room.

I scan the halls to see if anyone is around, but not a single elf is here to witness my abduction. Not even my usual door guard, Corwin. That is strange. Maybe he left so this could happen?

“If you cry out, you will die where you stand. Then I will kill anyone you ever cared about. Your Elven keeper, Merlara? I’ll slowly slice her to pieces with her own swords. But if you behave, you might survive this.” The male roughly tows me down the hallway.

As he does, I covertly smear my bloody hand along the wall.

My abductor turns and travels down the servant’s passageway.

Again, I find it odd that no one is around as a witness. Every other time I have walked these halls, I usually pass a dozen guards or servants. I’m guessing the servants are all attending to the arriving guests. But there should still be guards.