Ihear the prince reenter my room, but I don’t stir. He is not alone.
I crack my eyes open just enough to see Oakes, but without letting them know I am awake.
Eldrin draws near to the bed and whispers, “Right there. On her middle back.”
Oakes’ hushed voice is tight with anger. “What did youdotoher last night?”
“Nothing she didn’t fully consent to do,” Eldrin hisses. “We’ll talk about it later. For now, examine her mark.”
I want to bolt up and ask, but I know I need to overhear what they might not tell me directly.
Oakes touches the middle of my naked back, electrifying my skin. I restrain myself from reacting to the jolt I feel.
Why do I have to be attracted to him, too?
Fortunately, I don’t have to be embarrassed since he has seen me undressed. My heart deflates when I realize he must be mad at me for allowing Eldrin into my bed.
I hate the thought of upsetting him, but he didn’t offer me a way out of this situation either. I remind myself he knows I’m in a tricky spot.
Yet, I can never tell him how much I enjoyed my night with his prince.
Oakes runs his fingertips over the center of my back for a second. “Hmm.”
“What does the symbol mean?” Eldrin asks.
“It might be nothing. Or it might be…” Oakes hesitates. “I’ll investigate. Perhaps Mage Neven might shed some light on this. But it doesn’t feel new.”
I hear Eldrin lead Oakes out of the room.
As soon as Eldrin shuts the door, I sit up and ask innocently, “Did someone come for you?”
“Oakes came by.” Eldrin walks over to my side of the bed and smiles. “We should eat breakfast now. I have a lot to do today.”
“Are you all right?” I slip on my dress and run my fingers through my untamed hair.
“Of course. Why?”
“You seem…tense.” I brace myself. “Do you regret what happened last night?”
“No.” Eldrin captures me in an embrace. “Do you?”
I shake my head and wonder why my mystery mark unsettles him.
* * *
I am quiet during breakfast. The three males talk about the upcoming festivities, and I pay no mind to their discussion. Instead, I worry about the mark on my back, the looming threat Eldrin’s interest in me has caused, and the ghoul enchantment to harm humans.
Oakes is convinced my presence in the castle will bring trouble.
What does my mark mean? Before this morning, I didn’t even know I had any sort of mark. It’s in the one place I can’t really see or feel. Now its discovery has made me ready to heed the warnings about my unwanted presence and run.
I shake my head ever so slightly. What am I still doing here? I should have left the moment Eldrin gave me the freedom to leave. Why did I invite him into my room? What if the mark is a curse? Will the elves kill me if they think the mark is a danger to Eldrin? What if I unwittingly harm him?
I am startled when I hear my name being called. I glance over at Eldrin. His eyes don’t have any suspicion or hatred in them…yet. But what if Oakes’ research reveals something awful about my mark?