“This is Wynstelle. A guest of Prince Eldrin,” Jaden says. “Would it be all right if she were to sit in on our meeting? After all, the matter concerns her kind.”
“The mortal is welcome.” The mage waves me forward. “Come here.” She holds out her palm as an invitation for my hand.
I glance nervously at Oakes and Jaden. They nod for me to approach Mage Neven.
When I place my hand on the mage’s, an electric spark stings me.
I jump. The mage’s right hand covers our joined hands as she tightens her grip.
Neven stares at me for a long, chilling time that feels like it goes on for months.
Even Jaden and Oakes stir in their chairs, anxiety wafting off them.
“Wyn.” Mage Neven smiles, though it doesn’t reach her eyes. She uses my familiar name, although I haven’t given it to her. “Your life has never been your own. But somehow, even with nothing that is yours, you have a quiet strength few possess. Your life has been in an upheaval recently, but that is not a prophecy. That is known. However, I see you have an epic journey of discovery ahead. It gives me no joy to tell you that your path hasn’t been an easy one, nor will it be in the future. You will be tested again and again. But I believe you will overcome these obstacles. You must have faith in yourself to accomplish your purpose in this life.”
Mage Neven falls silent and releases my hand.
“My purpose?” I ask. “What purpose couldIhave? I’m just a human servant.”
“Every creature has a purpose.” The mage explains, “But we don’t know what it is until we look back at our existence at the end. Only then we can see everything in its proper context.”
“Uh, well, I’ll try to do my best with these tests you mentioned.”
“I know you will.” She winks.
“Thank you.” I bow to the wise elf and sit down next to Jaden. My head spins with her psychic reading.
Mage Neven clears her throat and looks at Jaden and Oakes. “You were curious about the ghouls’ unusual behavior as of late.”
“Yes.” Jaden leans forward. “Do you have any explanation?”
The mage glances at me. “I perceived a spell upon them. I believe someone is trying to kill the mortals in our realm. Perhaps evenbeyondour realm.”
I tense.
Jaden looks at me and then back to the mage. “Is the spell still active?”
“My mage circle broke the enchantment. But that doesn’t mean the perpetrator won’t perform the spell again or use some other means.”
“Why would someone create such an enchantment?” Oakes asks.
“I believe this is just the beginning, and someone desires a war.” Neven nods to me. “With the mortal realm.”
“Another war is insanity.” Oakes throws his hands in the air. Then he recovers, taking in a deep breath. “And why would attacking mortals here cause a war?”
The mage shrugs, appearing indifferent, but something niggles that she knows more than she reveals. “It could also just be an elf still angry over the last war and the treaty.” She raises an eyebrow, staring intently at me. “About mortals living on this side.”
I get the feeling Mage Neven is suggesting the attacks aremyfault—for being a mortal invading their lands.
“Should I return to the mortal realm?” I ask in a rush of words.
“No,” Jaden and Oakes say abruptly in unison.
“Wyn, I don’t believe you are in a position to make that kind of decision,” the mage says. “You are at the mercy of the Ryven Prince and the Royal Court.” She must catch my next thought and adds, “Running away now will solve nothing.”
I sit back in my seat, thinking over the seer’s words.
“There is another matter I wish to address with the prince’s advisors. Wyn, would you excuse us? I will only keep them for another moment.”