Page 34 of Between Realms

Oakes grimaces, and I wonder if it’s because of my comment or because he doesn’t want me to feelobligatedto have sex with the prince.

“Wyn, Ineverwanted you to have sex with him—and definitely not as a toy to play with.” Oakes sighs. “Besides, Eldrin has released you from that agreement.”

“Then what is your point? And why hasn’t he said I can leave Ryven? Heexploredmy body, and that was the agreement. He should be done with me. But now, what does he want? Friendship, forgiveness, or something else? I don’t understand what. He says he wants to get to know me. Now, you are telling me to resist.”

“It’s dangerous to get too close to him.”

“Fine. I asked to leave. So why doesn’t he release me? Does it hurt his pride to let me go home at this very moment? He must see that I have forgiven him and harbor no ill will.”

I’m conflicted about staying longer and enjoying the company of these three males. Prince Eldrin has been extremely nice since our first interaction, but does he still expect something from me for his kindness? I don’t mind the break in the monotonous and hard life I led. Why shouldn’t I eat some luxurious food and enjoy walks in castle gardens for a few days? Is that so terrible? Am I not worthy of a moment’s reprieve?

“What do you expect me to do?” I ask.

Oakes moves closer, and I tilt my head back to meet his gaze. His fingers brush a lock of my hair from my face and he tucks it behind my ear. He is acting so familiar with me, but I can’t say that I mind the attention.

With a sigh, he explains, “Your uniqueness and intelligence intrigues the prince. He is accustomed to getting what he wants. Eldrin doesn’t see it as a breach of contract to ask you to stay, just a change of its terms. The prince is given a lot of freedom. Too much, some would say.”

“Wouldyoube one of them?” I don’t expect an answer.

His face hardens. A stark contrast to the way his hand softly cups my cheek. “There are those in the royal courts, especially in the other kingdoms, that will not appreciate his fondness for you.”

“Hispetsrarely get to call him by his given name?”

“Mostnoblesdon’t have permission to speak as freely as you have done today.”

“Oh.” I cover my mouth in awe. I thought his offer was unusual but didn’t realize how much. Why has he given me such leeway? Eldrin wants me to be brutally honest. Maybe he is genuinely regretful that he caused me distress. Maybe he’s trying to be a friend. I have no experience with any sort of relationship—friendship or otherwise.

“You have evoked a need in him to be more considerate, but others might not appreciate you being the one to elicit such compassion.” Oakes clasps my hands in his. “I will do my best to protect you while you are here, but curtail your liberties in the presence of anyone, excluding Jaden and myself.”

“So I can trust Jaden?”

“You can. But if it comes down to a choice between our prince or you, unfortunately, we have sworn our lives to him.”

“All right. I understand. I don’t want anyone to choose, and I never would expect my life to be worth more than a prince.”

“I didn’t mean it like that. Your happiness is all I can think about.” Oakes strokes my cheek. “And on that note, don’t fall in love with the prince. He will only break your heart.”

I step away from his comforting touch. Anger rises in me.

Again, Oakes reminds me how little I really mean to them. My voice has an edge when I say, “I know better than to grow attached toanyone.”

Oakes’ jaw tightens, and his eyes dart away. “Yes. Of course. You aren’t, as you say,stupid.”

“Contrary to popular belief.” I stare at the door and decidedly not at Oakes. “Aren’t you joining the prince at court?”

It’s apparent I’m dismissing him, and his eyes widen with my assertiveness. “Yes. I will send a servant to deliver whatever you need.IfI have time, I will check on you before the day is done. Or perhaps I should send Jaden instead?”

“Whatever you need to do.” I grab the book I had been reading earlier, curl into the window seat, and open the novel. “I’ll just be waiting here for whoever wants to play with my emotions next.”

“Wynstelle?” Oakes says with a touch of hurt.

I don’t respond other than a huff, and his head droops as he shuts the door behind himself.