Page 30 of Between Realms

Eldrin quiets and straightens. “Yes, I value your input, especially with this.”

“If you pursue any further contact, take your approach with her slowly and gently. She has emotions like us, though perhaps more intense. Shewantsto experience affection and pleasure. But I believe she also needs to feel safe, appreciated, and heard—something she has had little of in her short life. And you should excuse her from your arrangement.”

Eldrin shakes his head slowly, resisting the advice. “But I want her to stay here.”

“Then match her pace and be aware of her boundaries,” I suggest, “with no expectations.”

“I can do that.” Prince Eldrin frowns contemplatively. “It’s just that no one seems to have any boundaries around me.”

“You’re the prince.” I smile with a hint of exasperation. “Your people want to please you.”

“I must seem like a selfish bore to you sometimes.” Eldrin raises his eyebrow, daring me to agree with him.

“Never abore,” I say with a grin.




The following morning, my chamber door creaks open. I pull the bedsheets to my chin. Not that it will do me much good if the elves want to expose me again.

Jaden enters with a casual and confident stride, stopping in the middle of my bedchamber. His violet gaze scans the room quickly, then lands on me full force.

I suck in a breath. Again, his unreadable expression leaves me with no cues as to how he feels about my presence in the castle. His demeanor is so different from what I remember of him after the ghoul attack. Then, his expression held concern for me, or so I had thought. Maybe he was only worried that he had failed in his job of delivering the human to his prince in one piece.

I push myself against the headboard, clutching my covers, as if sitting up will make a difference to what he has planned for me. It crosses my mind I might not survive telling Oakes that I rescind my deal.

Will Jaden force me to submit to the prince? Or will he be the one to escort me from the realm? Will he demand his own price?

Jaden was reserved during the prince’s explorations, but maybe he wants to continue what the prince had started the day before? Do I want him to, if he could be gentle with me?

The violet-eyed elf stirs my insides, and there’s no explanation for his effect on me. Except, when Jaden looks at me, somehow it feels as if he might truly seeme—not just a human servant. I worry he will not like what he finds—a naïve, fragile mortal.

Easily, he reads my fear. “Settle, it will be alright.”

His reassuring words, with his commanding voice, anchors me immediately, and I let go of some of my tension.

A moment later, Prince Eldrin and Oakes join us in the room. Hesitantly, Oakes carries a bundle and approaches the bed.

Wondering what is in store for me now, I swallow my trepidation and stare at him.

“Mortal—” the prince pauses and corrects himself, “Wynstelle. I asked too much of you yesterday, considering you are unversed in the ways of the capital. I assumed—incorrectly—that you’d had prior sexual experiences and were a willing participant in a mutual exchange of pleasure. My curiosity superseded your comfort. Understand, I meant no disrespect. Please, accept my invitation to join me for breakfast so I can begin to make amends.”

I realize that is the best apology I can ever hope to receive from royalty, or even a common elf. I’m baffled he would even offer this for a mortal servant. He could order me to submit, and I would have to do as he commands or die.

“Prince Eldrin has commissioned a dress for your outings.” Oakes’ words shake me from my shocked state. He locks his intense gaze on me when I turn to focus on him. With only his eyes and tone, he wills for me to accept the prince’s gift and invitation.

I open the bundle and check if the dress is modest before saying, “Thank you for your words, Your Highness. And for a beautiful garment.”

“Of course.” The prince smiles, pleased with himself. “Oakes will escort you to my common dining hall once you are dressed.”

The prince strides out the door. Jaden gives me a lingering glance and follows him.

Oakes turns his back to allow me some privacy as I slip on my new dress.

“Will he let me go home after breakfast?” I dare to hope.