“I’ll worry about you as much as I please. And you didn’t cause anything. It was just ignorant prejudice on that elf’s part. He shouldn’t have attacked you.” Oakes huffs out his anger. “Oh, and my friend will handle that fool and any others. Don’t you worry.”
I wonder why the mysterious male keeps appearing at critical moments. “Does your friend live in Crowland?”
“He’s passing through, like me.” Oakes’ lips tighten as if he doesn’t want to talk anymore.
“Are you alright?” I ask. “If helping me is too much, I can go on my own. I’m sure I’ve already lost any chance of staying in Elfhame if word travels to the castle about the incidents concerning themortalon the road.”
Oakes holds my hand and stares up at me with his amber eyes, imploring me to hear him. “I’m taking you the rest of the way. End of story.”
* * *
I ride in front of Oakes on the saddle. His muscular arms wrap around me, bracing me safely so I don’t fall. The heat from his body keeps me warm and feeling more protected than I’ve ever felt. When we part ways in Ryven, I will miss the security and connection I find with him.
The sensation of his body rubbing and shifting against my backside is almost too much to bear. Yet, I want more. He has awakened something primal in me, and I fear I won’t be able to quiet it now.
“Does that sort of thing happen to you a lot?” Oakes asks, breaking my lustful thoughts about touching his chest and wondering what his other parts are like.
“I was picked on when I was a child by a few village younglings.” I sigh with the memories of always being an outsider—always shunned. Not that I’m complaining, since I am only alive because of Elven magic. However, only Merlara accepts me as I am. Even that dynamic is limited, and it’s became more reserved now that I’m older. But I suppose the Betonie villagers are used to me now.”
“They weren’t welcoming at first?” His large hand moves to hold me over my belly.
At first, it feels like a comforting caress, but then I feel his healing energy and realize he’s only trying to mend my wounds.
“It depended on an elf’s background how they behaved toward me. If an elf fought in the realm war, they were often distant or abrasive. Those who weren’t part of the campaign were usually nice enough, but not particularly friendly either. I noticed the older I knew the elf to be, the more open they were to my presence. Since they highly respected my keeper in the village, the others likely treated me better than they might have otherwise. But I rarely left the workshop in the last five years.”
“I’m sorry my fellow elves have been less than hospitable. I understand now why you were wary of me.”
“My interactions haven’t been all bad. There were a few pleasant exchanges too.” I unwittingly lean back into Oakes’ body. “Besides, you have been more than kind and generous to me, making up for some of the prejudice I’ve faced.”
He quiets again, and I relax into our comfortable silence.
However, as we near the Ryven gates, my tension rises. I sense the same from him, but for what reason, I can’t guess. Perhaps he has his own problems in Ryven. Certainly, he can’t have become as attached to his human burden as I have become to him.
Far before we reach the city gates, we both dismount and walk on foot. Oakes takes the reins of the horse. When the guards are in view, he heads toward them without hesitation.
I trail several strides behind Oakes to appear as if I have arrived alone. That way, he couldn’t be implicated in any crimes they charge me with.
Once he realizes he’s pulled ahead, he turns and gives me a sad smile.
The gate guards nod to Oakes as if they know him well. He strides inside the castle’s outer gate without having to answer questions or show documentation, as other travelers just ahead of him were required to do. He must be well known here. Perhaps he works with the guards. He never did tell me what he did in the city.
I present my summons letter, and the guards grant me entry without issue.
Oakes waits on the other side to ensure I am allowed inside the city walls. Standing a few strides away from me now, he points straight ahead toward the castle. “Walk right up to the royal guards there and present your letter.”
After marking the location, I wring my hands nervously. “If I make it back to Betonie, I’ll ask Merlara if she can repay you for your kindness. Where should I send the money I owe you?”
My heart already aches, knowing I will miss him.
Oakes frowns briefly. “You owe me absolutely nothing. If anything, I still owe you. May the fates be with you.” He bows and disappears into the crowd.
My legs long to chase after him, to have one more touch, but I know that isn’t appropriate. Besides, I must suppress all the feelings and desires he has stirred up inside me. Yet, I mourn the loss of him already. My eyes sting with tears that I shouldn’t dare to shed. He’s the first elf to treat me as an equal, and help me with no expectations… and he’s gone from life forever.
Still confused that he believes he owes me something, I frown and glance down at my summons. Now it’s time to see if I will live long enough to figure out what he meant.