Humans mustonlymate with other humans.
When Merlara noticed my developing fantasy of returning to the mortal realm and finding a mate, she cautioned me: “Most human men are indifferent to the woman finding pleasure with them. They rarely take the time needed to please a woman. Many menstealtheir own pleasure,takinga woman even if she has no interest, often hurting her. And that hurt usually gives those types more pleasure. These same men have been known to beat and kill women.”
After that talk, it successfully put me off on the idea of sex or finding a mate. Though now, in Oakes’ arms, I feel safe and cared for. I wonder what finding pleasure with a loving partner might be like. Not all human men are wicked, are they? Maybe there are more good men than Merlara realizes.
I almost died twice in the last two days. After having this small taste of affection, I worry I will die without ever knowing any pleasure.
During the night, I wake to find I’m still nestled to Oakes’ side, my leg draped over his thigh. His muscular arm is tucked under my neck. Being entangled with him feels so intimate that I flush with embarrassment.
When I wiggle to move away, he brings his hand up to clasp my head to his chest, making me feel protected in a way I have never known.
His other giant hand splays out over my low back, pressing me closer again. I allow myself this moment to imagine I am precious to him. It’s an unfamiliar experience to feel treasured, even if it is all in my mind.
I hear his breathing quiet and slow, telling me he has dozed off again.
Inhaling deeply, I smell Oakes’ woodsy and sweet maple syrup scent. It’s comforting and slightly intoxicating. I have a strange urge to lick him to see if he tastes sweet, too, but I stop myself from doing it. What has gotten into me?
Feeling more like my healthy self, I surrender to Oakes’ insistence to heal me and snuggle into his arms.
Then curiosity takes over, and I want to know what it feels like to run my hand over a male’s chest. Not just any male's chest, buthis. My hand vibrates where it makes contact with his side. Is he like that…everywhere?
Slowly, I explore the smooth skin over his muscular stomach, trying not to wake him. His entire body seems to buzz with electric healing, not just his hands.
Again, there’s a throbbing between my legs. Instinctively, I shift my hips to press the center of my need against his thigh. It’s only a slight relief.
Oakes stirs awake. “Wyn?”
I don’t move or answer. I have been caught molesting him and tempting myself with forbidden desire.
“Wyn?” Oakes asks again, and I grunt as if just waking. “Your breathing is shallow, and your pulse is too fast.” He moves his hands up and down my body to sense my ailment.
I wiggle away, since he’s only making my cravings more intense. His hand cups my hip and keeps me pressed to his thigh.
“Is your head bothering you?”
“Yes?” I answer quietly, feeling guilty for touching him while he slept. Can a mortal die from embarrassment? I then realize I still have my hand on his washboard abdomen. I jerk my hand off his torso as if it were burning in a caldron and I try to pull away from him.
Oakes catches me before I move too far, and he holds me close. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry,” I squeak. Will he punish me for my forwardness?
“Why are you sorry?” His sleepy voice rumbles through his chest.
“I was…touchingyou.” Quickly, I add, “I shouldn’t have… I didn’t mean to… I’m sorry.”
“You are absorbing my healing. Don’t be shy.” Oakes replaces my hand back on his chest, over his heart. “My body is yours.”
My breath catches in my throat with his comment.
With his hand still on my side, his thumb brushes lazily over my skin.
After a moment, I melt back into him. He probably thinks nothing of this non-sexual contact, realizing elves are often free with their bodies. Does he know how much of his body I want to touch? I bite my lip, reminding myself elf-human relations are taboo. Does his healing push the line of morality?
“It’s all right. I got you,” Oakes reassures me. He stretches his large hand across my lower back, pinning me close and flooding my senses with another surge of healing energy.
Taken over by the pleasurable sensation, I hum with contentment and fall asleep.