Page 60 of Rebel Fates

“Or use her,” I add unhelpfully. It’s what we feared even before her omega status came to light. But if she is truly an omega, it will be that much worse for her.

This is bad. If we find her, and save her, she will probably hate us for what we did to her. And finally having an omega, we might just lose our minds completely. I just hope she survives the Tirbs and then survives us.

Then, I hope she forgives us.




My insides felt like they were gutted when Gemma sacrificed herself for us to the Tirbs. Now that I know what she is, I’m torn.

An omega could be a wonderful addition…ifshe survives the change. Which she may not. So many of our kind don’t survive our first heat or rut. And matings can end in death.

Then, if she survives her change, she must choose us.

My animal wants to claim her, even if rationally I know it’s probably a bad idea. But my heart wants her too.

She calls to my soul like no one has before.

Zeek must have sensed she was a mate match from the start, just as Leva did, before I confirmed her lineage.

Serrat is conflicted. He knows how much mating means to us and our kind, and he won’t make this decision lightly.

There are so few females of our species left, and even fewer omegas. We have a slim chance at something quite rare and beautiful—a mate match that could link our souls and offer us a partner to love. Serrat’s former mate wasn’t an omega or even a proper match for him. Mine wasn’t a match on any level. And with Serrat and Zeek, we’ve never had a female to bond with us as a pack.

We aren’t truly a pack until we have our anchor. Even if we act as a pack, and we take care of each other’s needs during our ruts, it isn’t the same as having a nexus.

I fear how our dynamic might change. Yet, after Serrat called me on it, I realize I want all of us to bond with Gemma. As much as it confuses me, in these short few days, I have fallen for her.

First, we have to get her back. Ineedher back.

“What are we going to do?” Zeek asks. “The shift is almost upon us—it might be delayed, but it’s still riding me.”

“That is a problem,” Serrat agrees. “But if we wait until after it passes, we might never find her. She could be sold off and claimed before we track her down. That’s even if we leave now.”

I check on her tracker. “It looks like they are headed toward the Malan space station. Two days out. Their ship is faster than ours, especially since they can sustain their speeds. We won’t catch up to them.”

“Set a course. Let’s see what Leva can do to keep up,” Serrat orders and leaves in a whirlwind of emotions.

He has made up his mind. I breathe out with relief. The only thing that could stop us is if our animals take us over completely.

I set course to follow the tracker’s signal and pray we can get there before they sell her off and she disappears forever.

With Gemma gone, it feels like we’ve lost our mate. I was blind to what we had while she was here.

I still need to figure out how the Tirbs found us. But if we kill them, then we won’t need to worry about them anymore.

As I close my eyes to meditate on the answer, I do a quick assessment of my state.

Zeek was right about the shift. I don’t feel how Ishouldfeel. I should exhibit more signs at this point.Curious.

“Monitor the signal in case of any changes.” I nod to Zeek and hurry to the med bay.

I draw a sample of my blood. Usually at this stage of my shift, the sight of blood would send me into a frenzy. But I’m calm. That, ironically, is worrisome.

I insert the sample into our computers and wait for the results. A few minutes later, I shake my head at my findings. I check again.