Page 111 of Rebel Fates


The man holding me hostage calls out, “Beasts! Youwillstand down!”

My three mates turn to see me in the man’s clutches. They all tense and slowly walk toward us. I can see them calculating their attack to rescue me.

The man jerks and jams the gun harder against me, making my head tilt to the side. My heart thumps wildly.

“Stop. Or I kill her. I know you don’t want to lose your mate. Yes, I heard all that. You fucking filthy trash.”

“What do you want?” I ask.

“Let a Syndicate ship land so I can leave,” he says, loud enough for my mates to hear.

“Fine.” Serrat glares at him. “But youwilllet her go.”

The man whispers to me, “Youarespecial to them, huh?”

I recognize his voice—the founder of LunaTek, Randall Norcross.

“What the hell are you doing out here?” I ask. “I would have thought you’d be hiding up in your tower with a bunch of guards.”

“They’re dead—helping me escape. Now you are going to help me escape.” I feel him shrug. “And if you die, so be it. You are just a glorified fuck-hole for these disgusting beasts.”

I’m so tired of being hurt by men that have held power over me. My father, my boyfriends, my employers. I’m so fucking over it. Rage erupts out of me for all the injustice I have suffered. For all the broken trust. For all the pain.

I’m done with being a victim.

A deafening roar comes from behind us.

I use this distraction to break Norcross’s hold on me. Simultaneously, I knock his gun away from my head, but he aims it at my mates instead.

A roar rips from my throat, and my body shifts, claws and fangs descending.

Faster than I ever have moved before, I swing my arm and slice through Norcross’s neck and chest with my enormous claws.

The bastard drops his gun and falls to his knees. His eyes go wide and blood pours from his wounds.

Holy shit. I did that.

I finally protected myself.

In the next second, Norcross screams again as Crax slices through his back with his massive claws. The gouges Crax leaves behind are just as monstrous as mine.

With his dying breath, Norcross grasps for his gun on the ground near him and lifts it to shoot me.

I kick at his wrist just as Zeek and Rok crash into him.

They are so huge that there’s not room for both of them to attack, and Zeek slams into me.

It feels like being hit by a truck. I’m knocked clear of the scuffle and land on my back. The wind is knocked out of me.

“Frex!” Zeek shouts, realizing what he’s done, and races over. He picks me up and clasps me to his massive chest. “My love, are you alright?” he asks in a desperate tone.

“Careful!” Rok snaps, racing over after he ensures Norcross is dead. “She could have a broken spine!”

Zeek wails, and I’m just getting my breath back to answer his question.

I check in with my body and don’t feel damaged. “I’m okay. I think.”