Some time passes, and eventually, we hear footsteps returning on the ramp. There’s at least four or five sets of feet approaching. My insides turn, and I’m ready to vomit from the inedible food. Would that be a good thing? Perhaps they won’t want a messy, vomiting human.
The furballs are accompanied by three new aliens—they mostly resemble a walking octopus, an upright crustacean, and a tall troll.
Our captor says, “You can see they are healthy human female specimens.”
“Why does that one look sweaty and pale?” The monster with tentacles points one at me.
“She’s good.” The furballs waves off his concern.
My need to vomit up the moldy bread argues otherwise.
The other one grunts his disapproval of me. Fine, I’ll take a brush off from him.
“I like this one,” the troll alien says of Lynn. “How much?”
“Three thousand kints.”
A round of grumbles fill the room. Apparently, that is too much to pay for a human female.
“Stand up!” Furball orders Lynn. She shakes her head.
The collar delivers a shock, and her body arches. The audience laughs. Lynn slowly stands.
“Turn around.” Furball orders, “Bend over.”
Her face turns bright red. And so does mine for her. But she complies, hoping to avoid another painful zap.
“See. Good holes.”
A murmur goes through the room. “I’ll take it,” the troll-like alien says.
I feel my heart drop for Lynn. Then I realize it leaves me with the other two for potential owners—tentacles and the lobster. Ugh. I think I’m ready to pass out. What would they do to me? I don’t want to find out.
Furballs look to the other buyers. “How about this one?”
“No. We liked the yellow-haired one.” Tentacles points at Lynn.
Furball nods and smiles. “Would you like to bid more than three thousand? I have not confirmed the deal yet.”
“Three and five hundred,” Tentacles says.
The crustacean waves his large pincher hand as a no.
Furball looks at the troll and asks, “Counter offer?”
“No. Don’t want it that much.”
“Sold for three and five,” furball announces and pushes a button to zap Lynn until she passes out.
Crustacean and the troll saunter out of the room, and Tentacles waits for his merchandise.
When the cage door opens, I hold on to Lynn’s limp body. “No. Don’t do this!” I yell at the furball.
My collar zaps me, and I fall unconscious.
* * *
They toss me more inedible foodstuffs for what I assume is several days. I can feel my energy and strength slipping away. If they don’t do something soon to feed me properly, they will lose whatever investment they made on me.