Page 32 of Rebel Fates

With a sad expression, Zeek gets up and walks out before explaining.

Was his comment a threat or his attempt to be comforting?Tryto keep me alive? For what? For my sake or theirs? Do they intend to use me and-or sell me off? Or do they have my best interests at heart?

I can’t risk leaving my fate in their hands.

The door to the bedroom automatically closes after Zeek exits.

I glance around, but don’t see any escape pods or other doors.

“Leva? Can you release the binds?” I whisper, “I promise not to eat anymore of your food.”

The straps release me and recede into the wall. I’m free. Well, sort of…

Slinking over to the door, I hear Zeek head toward the front of the ship, possibly to the control room.

“Please, can you open the door?” I ask sweetly.

There’s a soft whine. But then the door cracks open slightly, not enough for me to squeeze through. Leva knows what she’s doing—playing both sides.

“Seriously?” I say, exasperated.

It opens another inch. Still not enough.

“I need to get out of here, Leva. You saw, Serrat wants me gone.” I try to convince the sentient and innocent ship. Yes, she’s probably going to get in trouble for aiding in my escape, but I have bigger problems to worry about than a ship’s hurt feelings.

Slowly, the door opens another few inches and is now passable, but just barely. With my new impromptu blanket toga, I slide through and hurry down the corridor.

Leva opens another door as I run by it. Looks like another bedroom. Nope, nothing I need.

I’m not sure why she’s trying to steer me into another sleeping quarter.

I remember I haven’t checked near the control room or what’s on the other side of the ship during my last exploration. From this angle, I see the backs of the large chairs in the cockpit. As I approach the doorway, I hear the males arguing inside. I freeze and assess where to hide.

If I tiptoe quietly, I can probably make it into the room to its right and see if there’s any escape pods. Before I do, I hesitate just to one side of the cockpit doorway so I can eavesdrop on their heated debate.

“I think she’s infected with something,” Rok says. “We need to get rid of her before she spreads her disease.”

“Yet, she’s only affected where we touched her?” Zeek scoffs. “No. If anything,weinfected her. The marks are only on the places where we made flesh to flesh contact.”

“I don’t feel right,” Serrat says. “Something’s off.”

Oh crap!Did I give them my cooties? No, only boys have cooties.

Besides, Zeek’s right. They are marking me.Theyhave the germs.

Geeze. I sound like a child. I’m losing my mind on this adventure of mine.

But I agree with Serrat, I don’t feel quite right either. I don’t think it’s just from the lack of food.

“I keep asking myself why would Leva aid the female by opening her door? Or even allow a stranger onboard in the first place?” Serrat asks.

“She seems to be pushing the female toward us…” Zeek hesitates, tension in his tone.

Serrat deduces there’s more to add and asks, “What happened?”

“Leva changed the gravity so I would fall into her. It took everything I had in me to stop myself from taking her.”

“Leva did that because you wanted to be close to the Earthling!” Rok yells.